Page 86 of Wings of Death
“Then why does it keep happening?” he asks, his voice husky.
I open my eyes to see a smug smirk on his face, as if he has won something, and any remaining desire I harboured evaporates. I push at his chest, but he doesn’t budge.
“Let me up,” I demand.
He still doesn’t budge as his grey eyes bore into mine. “You’re even more gorgeous when you’re mad,” he taunts.
Heat rises in my cheeks as I press my lips into a hard line and narrow my eyes at him.
He moves back, losing the cocky look on his face, and kneels before me. I climb to my feet while I replay his words through my mind. Whydoesthis keep happening? I don’t feel the same about him as he does me, right? Why is he able to draw me in like that?
He stands and runs his hands down his face. “I don’t think you love him, Zarla. I think you’re just confused, that’s all. He isn’t worthy of you.”
“And you are?” I ask with a slightly harsh tone.
He drops his arms, and I don’t miss the tick in his jaw.
“More so than he. I am from Silanthia, for one thing. Do you think your father would approve of you being with an angel from our enemy’s Kingdom? Like I said, it is forbidden.”
My entire body tenses as I take a step toward him, holding my ground. “I am sick of being told what I can and cannot do. I am a grown female, and I will make my own decisions. Not even my father’s guard can control me.”
“By the gods, you get under my skin,” he bites out. “It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
Oh crap. Did he just say the L word?
“Why can’t you give me a chance? We could be good together. Wecanbe good together.” His features soften, and I can almost picture it.
And then an image of Kyle takes centre place in my mind, and everything else drops away until there is nothing left but him. There is no one else for me. Kyle is mine, and I am his. I feel it etched into my soul as if it were my destiny. My fate.
“Because my heart was taken the moment I met Kyle,” I reply honestly.
Amaros blinks, and I can almost see the heartbreak play out across his features.
Despite what he said, I know he doesn’t love me. Not the way Kyle does. Amaros only cares about me because of who I am. Who my father is. Despite that, I can’t help the guilt that tugs at my chest.
“I’m sorry, Amaros,” I say before releasing my wings and shooting into the air back toward the castle.
Iland on my balcony, hurry through the door into my quarters, and lock it behind me. My heart hammers against my chest as I sink down to the floor.
What am Idoing? I know my feelings for Kyle are strong. Stronger than I have ever felt toward any male before. Why does this keep happening with Amaros?
I am certain that even if Kyle didn’t exist, there can be nothing between Amaros and me. He is my father’s first guard. Hell, he’s currentlymyfirst guard. That alone is forbidden. It occurs to me he is probably right. My father will never approve of Kyle. Of me being with an angel from our enemy’s Kingdom.
But did that matter? I try to tell myself that it doesn’t, that I can be with whoever I want. But the inner voice in my head is telling me otherwise.
My throat tightens as tears sting my eyes. For the first time, I regret being the King’s daughter. I spend the next ten minutes letting my emotions run wild, hoping it will clear my mind and allow me to better hold myself together. When I stand, I notice a gold gown laid out across my bed.
I wipe my eyes as I curiously cross the room to my bed and see there’s a note sitting next to the dress. It reads,Your mother would want you to wear this to the ball. Love, Lissian.
I squeeze my eyes closed. Shoot, I completely forgot about the ball tonight. It’s an annual event within our Kingdom that draws hundreds of high-class angel families. It’s an evening of glamour and gossip that takes centre place on the social calendar within our Kingdom.
I have always loved dressing up for it and spending the night dancing with Lacinda, but tonight feels different. The sadness festering deep in my heart won’t go away, and I fear no amount of dancing can expel it. I close my eyes and try to connect with Kyle, but I’m met with silence, as if our bond never existed. How am I to go to a ball when he is out there somewhere, injured? Or worse… No, I am not going there.
Wherever he is, I have to believe that he is okay. There will be a valid reason I’m unable to sense him. Maybe he’s in Zarquon. Em and Klara knew where to find him, and they located him before when he used his powers. Is he with Em? The thought sends a pang of jealousy radiating through me and into my heart.
Regardless of who he is with, all that matters is that he’s okay. He has to be. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and place the note down.