Page 22 of Wings of Betrayal
“I’m going to head back to my castle real quick and change. Can’t attend this meeting looking like this.” He gestures to his dirty, blood-stained leathers from the fight down on Earth.
I curl my lips into a smile. “I think that’s probably for the best.”
He shoves his hands into his pockets and walks backward toward the main entrance. “I’ll be back soon. I’ll wait outside your quarters.”
I let out a long breath, push off from the wall, and bump right into Lissian.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say, holding my hand over my heart.
She chuckles. “It’s all right. Are you ready for the meeting?” she asks, eying my outfit.
I know I look like a right mess after everything that happened on Earth and then the healers in Zarquon attending to my wounds. I really need to get cleaned up.
I tuck my hair behind my ears. “About as ready as I can be. I am going to change, though.”
She narrows her eyes, placing her hand on my arm. “Are you okay?”
She has always been able to read when there’s something wrong. It’s a gift of hers. Although I’m not entirely sure I’m trying to hide it at this point.
“I’m okay. I’ll talk to you about it later.”
She caresses my cheek. “Very well. You best hurry and get yourself presentable. We leave in an hour.”
I hurry down the corridors toward my quarters and come to a halt when I spot Amaros waiting for me. We lock stares, and I compose myself enough to keep walking.
“What happened on Earth?” he asks with urgency.
Ignoring his question, I unlock my door and step inside. I’m not surprised when he follows, and my stomach flips in his presence, but I do my best to hide it. He approaches me from behind and gently runs his hand down my back.
I spin around to face him, and his unkempt appearance surprises me. It looks like he hasn’t slept.
“What happened?” Concern laces his voice, and I don’t blame him.
My clothes must be shredded from the lost one’s claws.
“There was a fight between a group of archangels and lost ones. Kyle was there, and they were in trouble. He was hurt, and then I got blindsided by one. It scratched my back.”
He instantly rushes forward, taking my face between his hands, and I jolt at his touch. There was a time not long ago I would have probably enjoyed his proximity, and in an annoying way, I still do a little. But I do not need him touching me right now, not after everything.
He holds his hands up. “I’m sorry. I just… Are you okay?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “I think so. But these lost ones are dangerous. I couldn’t move after it slashed my back.”
His jaw tenses, and he reaches out to me. “Can I see it?”
Unsure how this will help, I agree anyway, turning around and lifting my top up. After a moment, his warm fingers brush over my skin, and I shudder.
“The healers in Zarquon helped me. I’ll be fine.” I pull my top back down and face him once more.
He shakes his head and runs a hand through his thick, black hair. “You shouldn’t have gone without me.”
I fold my arms over my chest. “I had Finlay and Nilo, as well as several other guards. Powerful angels I trust.”
His features shift, and the hurt there is clear. He knows he has damaged the trust between us, and I will not pretend he hasn’t. Heshouldfeel bad about it.
“I never meant to hurt you. It wasn’t my secret to tell. About Harlum.”
“And what about you being a god? You could’ve told me that. Thatwasyour secret, and you kept it from me. You’ve lied to me and misled me many times, and I can’t trust you anymore.”