Page 26 of Wings of Betrayal
He finally looks at me, and I can already see the distance he is creating between us, like an unavoidable black void.
“Don’t do this. Please.” I sound pathetic.
He looks back toward his mother and father.
I reach out and touch his arm. “I can take care of myself. Don’t do this. I’m finally allowed out of my Kingdom. We can finally be together.”
He takes a small step back, and I drop my arms at my sides.
“I’m doing this for you, to protect you. It’s better this way,” he says.
I frown at his words. “For whom? You?”
I can’t help but look at Em, who seems far more invested in our conversation than she should be. She’s loving this, and I want to storm over there and slap her.
“Has this got something to do with Em?” I demand.
His gaze snaps to mine. “Of course not.”
“Kyle?” his mother calls out.
He looks back at them again. “I’ve got to go.”
I reach out to him, but he’s already walking away to join his family by the Gateway of the Gods. Em pauses at the Gateway and shoots me a smug look before placing her hand on Kyle’s back and following him through. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. What a bitch.
Amaros is watching me, his broad arms folded across his chest, clearly having witnessed my entire exchange with Kyle. I turn around to wipe my eyes, hoping he didn’t notice the tears. I know he’s heading my way and can practically feel his presence when he stops behind me. He places his hand on my shoulder, and it drops away when I walk over to the edge of the cliff.
Of course he follows me, never one to respect boundaries. He stands at my side, and we both look out over the barren lands of the Kingdom.
“You okay?” he asks, his voice gentle yet concerned.
I don’t reply, unable to voice how I’m feeling at this moment. Has Kyle ended things with me? Does he really blame himself for what happened?
“I saw what happened just now. He’s not good enough for you. You need someone to be there for you, now more than ever. Someone who won’t just abandon you when things get tough.”
My lip trembles, and I will myself not to cry, but it’s no use. I let out a whimper, and he moves closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side.
I don’t have the energy to fight him, and honestly, right now, I don’t want to. I need comforting, and if I can’t get that from Kyle, then I’ll accept it from Amaros.
“Come on. Let’s get you back home.”
I nod, and he turns me to face him then wipes my tears away with his fingers.
“I will always be here for you, even if you hate me,” he says, then takes my hand and leads me through the Gateway of the Gods.
We pass through the other side back into Silanthia, and I feel no better. It’s as if my heart is slowly shattering, one piece at a time, and I can’t bear the pain. Glancing down at the ring on my finger Kyle gave me, I twirl it around before slipping it off and putting it in my pocket.
The sun is setting in the skies above the Kingdom, but the orange and pink hues do little to uplift my mood, and I can’t see the beauty in it like I usually do.
Amaros takes me back to my quarters, and I’m surprised when he stops in my doorway and doesn’t follow me inside.
I draw my brows together as I stare at him, and he leans against the door frame.
“I will come in if you want me to. But something tells me you could use some space right now.”
I gaze into my room, scanning the place that somehow feels cold and uninviting. Amaros is right—I need to be alone. My mood will only bring him down with me. Whether or not he cares about that, I do. I face him again and force a weak smile.