Page 73 of Wings of Betrayal
Harlum’s dead. They think I did it!
Fuck! Where are you? I’ll come help you.
A cool gust of wind whips by my face while I fly over the forest. I risk a glance behind me and spot four guards in pursuit. I’ve got to lose them somehow. In a last-minute decision, Idive straight down toward the trees, finding a gap amongst the canopy, and then pull up just as the forest floor comes into view.
You can’t help me. I have to get to Zarquon,I tell him asI dart between the trees, easily remembering the flow of the trees.
Spending as much time as I have flying through this forest has given me an advantage, and I’m willing to bet it’s more time than they have spent here. I know my way around, and I know I can gain a serious advantage.
“Stop!” one of them shouts, his voice distant.
Good. It’s working.
You don’t have to do this alone. Let me help you for once!
Gods above, he can’t help me. No one can.
I brush past leaves and branches as I wind my way through the forest. I have to get there before they do. Kyle would have sensed my panic by now, and he’ll know I’m coming.
A stray branch I don’t see in time scrapes past my cheek, and I wince as it cuts my skin. But I don’t have time to stop or check the cut. My body will heal itself anyway. I have to keep going. I’m almost there.
You can’t. I’ll be safe in Zarquon,I tell Finlay.
Zarla, no!
Yelps echo throughout the lively forest, and I recognise one of them as Keva. I pray he doesn’t come to me for fear they could harm him.
I didn’t kill Harlum, but they think I did. That means the actual killer is out there, and a sickening feeling deep in my gut tells me I already know who it is. If I don’t do everything in my power to escape, they will blame me for this. I know it.
A blast of power flies past my head, illuminating the dimly lit forest. I dart off to the left, and it narrowly misses me.
So that’s how it is. They’re going to actually use their powers on me. Nope. I’m not having it. Flipping over, I reposition myselfso I’m facing them while flying backwards. I build my powers up strong and fire them at the four guards.
I hit one, and it’s enough to knock him off course and send him crashing into a tree. One down, three to go. I know this could appear like I’m guilty, but they’re going to make sure of that anyway, regardless of what really happened to Harlum.
The guard in front fires his powers back at me, and I’m surprised at their lack of strength. My powers are far superior.
I build them up again and shoot them out as long vines, wrapping them around the guard’s waist. Then I yank him forward until his head hits the tree in front of him. There’s a distinct crack, and I wince.
In the time I’ve brought two of the guards down, it’s given the other two a chance to catch up. Flying backwards isn’t a skill I have mastered yet, and it’s definitely slowing me down. I spin back around and fly between the trees, trying my best to regain the distance I’ve lost.
The clearing is visible up ahead. I have to time this perfectly if I want even a chance of making it out of here. Picturing Zarquon at the forefront of my mind, I make a beeline through the trees towards the Gateway of the Gods.
“Don’t let her get through it!” one male shouts.
I risk a glance behind me, and a guard knocks into my side, tackling me to the ground. We roll across leaves and dirt and come to a stop. Leaping to my feet, I survey the situation.
The two guards raise their hands and inch towards me, and I raise mine back at them, prepared to fight.
“Zarla Quinn, you must come with us,” one of the males states.
I dart my focus between the two of them and then toward the gateway. Guessing my plan, they reposition themselves between me and the path to Zarquon.
“Don’t,” he warns.
“I didn’t do it,” I blurt out. “I would never do something like that!”