Page 89 of Wings of Betrayal
“I have to. She…” I swallow hard before I can continue. “She wasn’t in a good way the last time I was here.”
He tilts his head to the side, frowning as he takes a step closer. “The last time you were here?”
“It probably wasn’t the best idea, but I had to come. And he’s been hurting her.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I understand your need to save your sister, but please promise me you won’t do anything reckless? You’ve seen how brutal that male is. You do not want to get on his bad side. Ever.”
I nod, unsure whether I want to voice that promise aloud, knowing I am going to break it. No matter what, I will save my sister from that monster.
Seeming satisfied with my response, he tugs my hand, and we carry on up the mountain.
A short while later, we reach the top, and I immediately spot the gateway glowing gently in the dark surroundings. He releases my hand, and I wander over to the gateway with him following close behind me.
When I face him again, I can see the longing in his gaze as he stares into the gateway.
“You want to leave, don’t you?”
He rubs his chin. “Yes and no. I’m under the King’s command, so I cannot leave, even if I wanted to. I’m one of his top soldiers. He wouldn’t allow it, and he’d kill me if I did.”
I take his hand, which is almost twice the size as mine, and run my thumb over his rough skin. “That’s unfair. You shouldn’t be kept here against your will, as some kind of prisoner. You are your own male. You do not belong to anyone.”
He gives me a sad smile then leans down and gently kisses me on my cheek. “If only that were true. Now go. I wouldn’t want any of your friends to come looking for you here.”
Gods above, he has a point, and I wouldn’t put it past Finlay either. I give him one last hug. I’m really going to miss this male.
“Thanks again for everything. I kept your T-shirt. I hope you don’t mind.” My cheeks flush a little, and I’m glad it’s dark, as he probably won’t notice it.
His eyes brighten. “I’m glad you did. It suits you better than me.”
I laugh then step toward the gateway. I glance back at him one last time, and he stares at me, his eyes sad, and it hurts knowing he is so lonely.
“Goodbye, Grazen.”
“Goodbye, beautiful Zarla.”
I picture Silanthia and pass through the gateway, praying to the gods Amaros hasn’t noticed my absence, but knowing damn well he will have. Scenarios play out in my mind of what he’ll do to me if he finds out I’ve been gone, and each one strangles my heart even tighter.
This is going to be bad.
Ipass through the gateway and land with a thud in the clearing of the Dark Forest. The air is still, almost too quiet, and it sets my nerves abuzz.
A yelp sounds in the distance, and I sense Keva is near. Unsure whether this will work, I send out a signal to let him know I’m here.
A cool breeze blows through the clearing, collecting leaves and swirling them overhead, and it smells of dirt and deception.
Something’s wrong. I feel it to my core, in every cell in my body.
The sounds of the flowing river echo around the clearing, and then Keva bounds out of the treeline headed straight for me. Thankfully, he stops just in time before barreling me over and licks his tongue across the side of my face.
I giggle. “Hey, boy. I missed you, too.”
He grunts and then bends down in an invitation for me to climb onto his back.
“You wanna take me for a ride?”
He grunts again, growing impatient, so I climb on.