Page 101 of The Guru: Shadow
“I saw. Edwards filled me in on the rest, did you release it all?”
“Yes, all of it. Unfortunately, Emma here got a bit caught in the fire.”
“A bit is a massive understatement,” said Julie with a tone of omniscience, like a reprimanding mother.
Hello, I’m standing right here, listening.
“Nothing we can’t handle. Do you have a conference room? Quite the view, by the way,” Julie added and pointed at the yellowish horizon, greeting the day goodbye through the massive window front.
“I do,” he said to her. “Ed, set up the war room.”
“War room?” she asked him.
“It’s just something we call it, makes it more fun.”
She rolled her eyes at him.Billionaire’s attitude.
“Please.” He pointed to the staircase, signaling Julie, to walk in front.
He waited until Julie had passed her before he growled into her ear, “Roll your eyes at me again, and I’ll forget we have onlookers.”
Her inner lioness immediately purred in want, pushing her into saying things she would usually have swallowed.
“Mhhm, I think I’d like that.”
She only said it to tease him, never would she want Julie to watch her beingfucked, but it was just so good to see him not calculating things. He only stared at her, and she could see that she had gotten him off guard. He considered it for a moment, weighing his options. And while they stood there, they had completely forgotten about Julie.
“Are you two coming or do I need to get myself a room until you are done eating each other?”
Heat exploded in her face once again.
God, this is humiliating.
They went down to the lower level, a heavy and very different-looking door appearing on their right. Deis unlocked it with his finger and a scan of his eye.
Biometric door. Holy shit, this really was a war room.
Holding open the door, first Julie, then she, stepped into it.
“Wow,” gasped Julie.
Yep. Wow.
As they entered, it was immediately clear to her why this room was labeled ‘the war room’. It had no windows; the walls, the ceiling, and even the door was plastered with some kind of foam, probably to shield noises. A huge round table stood in the middle of it, and the wall opposite her was full of different sets of huge displays. There was so much tech she had never seen before, she felt for a moment as if she sat in an airplane cockpit or like, in a NASA rocket launch center. It even smelled like she imagined it to. The slightly plastic smell of heated tech mixed with different human odors, the latter was something she hated per se.
Julie was just as impressed as she was. She walked over to the board with many buttons, taking a close look at it. And there it was, the question sneaking up on her. Who was this man? Because he was not just a normal guru and influencer.
“This is not a normal conference room,” she said, stopping in her tracks-
“It is not. Coffee or tea anyone?” Deis asked so ever so casually.
Strategy. It’s his deflection strategy.And the thought made her system go on high alert.
“What do you need a room like this for?” she inquired, a feeling of suspicion sneaking up on her.
“Strategies. Monitoring. Observing.”
“But what for? Why do you need a war room?”