Page 112 of The Guru: Shadow
“Yes, Emma. Look at you, preaching to me about morals, while you put a bullet in your father’s heart and even removed it before you burned your own home to the ground.”
She had to swallow hard.
“But after everything he did to me–”
“You could’ve given him to the police, I handed everything to you, if you would put the same righteous standard on you as you put on me for Carl and everything else, your father as much as Carl would be rotting in a dung hole right now, yet, you didn’t. You decided on cold-blooded revenge. You wanted them to pay. You pulled the trigger. I only ended things with Carl.”
He was right. And it frightened her to the bone that he truly saw her.
“You lie, you run, you avoid, while you hate it in others. You are trying so desperately to fit in. But you’ll never. Because you are different. Acknowledge it.”
I can’t. I fucking can’t. If I do, everything will fall apart. Everything.
“You and I,” he said so silently, so dark, “are the same, Emma. That is why I let you in. That is why I needed the files, the markers. I had to observe. It is what piqued my interest, it is what draws me to you because we are alike.”
Goosebumps spread over her entire body.
“You truly understand who I am,” he continued with a voice that was filled with longing and knowing. “And you are no prey because you are a hunter yourself. It’s not a power play with you, it’s eye level. You don’t see me for the masks I have nor for the broken good others declared me, but for me. The true me. The raw version of pure existence in its essence. And somewhere along the way, you decided that I am your king, your equal, worthy of your love. It frees me, it uplifts me, and yes, Emma, it scares me to the bone.”
Hearing it out loud, something in her just snapped. She couldn’t deny it any longer. It was as if a part of her finally broke free. To him, the man who designated twelve years of his life to her, she wasn’t the broken one. She was his equal. His queen. And a wide, dark smile appeared on her face. One, she could not suppress, not that she wanted.
“Now that we have established that,” he said, with a similar smile on his face, “come, we have a reputation to restore.” And he pulled her up.
When she stood, it was a bit wobbly, but she caught herself.
It made him groan. Her adrenaline was pumping through her as she let the thrill-seeking part of her run free.
“Can’t you, for once, do as I say?” he asked totally annoyed.
“Only if I want to. And right now, I don’t.” Because no way in hell would the part released in her back down. Right now, she needed to express herself. She needed to finally, unapologetically, be herself.
With force, she pushed him back against the window front, which resulted in a dump, thrilling thud. His eyes burned for it like fire. It was exactly what he wanted.
She then tilted her head and let her tongue slide over his neck. She tasted him, taking a page out of his playbook. He shuddered from it, and it pushed her even further. She let her tongue trail all the way up to his ear, and when she reached it, she bit into his earlobe. Hard. His gasp made her core prickle in sweet anticipation.
“Mhhmmm,” she whispered into his ear. “Right now, I’d like to fuck.”
She would claim what was hers because, no, she was no prey. She was a hunter herself. And it was glorious watching him melt into her dominance. Because a real queen took what she wanted. A real queen owned her king as much as he owned her.
She opened the buttons on his shirt and scratched with her nails over his skin. He gasped from the sensation, not breaking the gaze into her eyes. She let her right hand wander down to his hard cock. When her hand enclosed it, it was all she needed to feel. She knew what she wanted, and right now, for the first time in her life, she wasn’t afraid to take it.
“I was thinking of you when I was fucking myself with the vibrator,” she breathed into his ear as her hand massaged his cock with a playful mixture of rhythm and pressure. “I was thinking of you fucking my mouth.”
He only groaned while his hands wandered up her body.
“I want you to do it again,” she said, “and when you fucked my mouth, you will fuck all my other holes until my core shatters.”
She had no idea where those words came from. Never had she spoken so filthy to anyone. But the fire it lit in his eyes was all the praise she needed right now.
Deis gripped her, whirled her round so he now pushed her hard with her back into the glass window, and for a fraction of a second, exhilarating fear shuddered through her as there was only that thin, vibrating glass separating them from falling into the depths of the awakening city dipped in orang form the beautiful winter day ahead.
His hands wandered under her hoodie, and he pushed it off her body with one swift move. His soft, strong, and defined hands on her skin felt so unbelievably good. Normally, she would’ve felt unworthy. Even disgusting. Normally, she would never have shown her body in full light without feeling uncomfortable. With him, right now, everything was different. With him, she was a wild cat finally freed from her cage. And that feeling roared like a lioness in her chest.
“Mhhhm. So beautiful,” he whispered while his hands stroked over the cuts and dried blood on her arms, trailing up to her shoulder, down over her breast and to her waist, where he opened her pants, which slid down onto the marble floor, soft and silently like silk.