Page 35 of The Guru: Shadow
“I’d like you to join the event.”
“Of course, do you want me to bring our event planner in? Neil, he is–”
“Not as corporate. I wish for you to experience the event as a customer.” And as she looked quite puzzled, he added, “I don’t believe you need it, but I want you to experience it from a customer’s perspective in order for you to fully understand what the business – and in addition, the communication – is about for the next events.”
“That is actually a great idea.” She beamed at him with her wide smile and energetic existence. “I’ll block out the weekend.”
So easy, sunshine.
“Maybe you can bring a friend, someone who does not feel very happy at the moment, who struggles in life, finding their path, you know, someone who fits the target group so you can have real-time feedback?”
“Deis, I know exactly who. She’s an old friend, Emma. Maybe you saw her last night, she was at Stone’s too, the one all in black.”
“I saw her briefly, I believe. She left early, didn’t she?” he answered, as Julie of course did not know he escorted Emma home. The call he had made had been from outside the car was to Jaz who had given him Emma’s address. A necessary move, otherwise Emma would never have sat foot in his car.
He could feel his cock harden just thinking about her. Her gaze and how she had leaned into his touch, listening to him like a good little girl.
There will be so much more I’ll do with you, Emma.
“Yes, she had to leave, unfortunately, she always does, by the way. She is not very robust, not getting her life on track at all, and well – I think she suffers from depression or something.”
So, it was exactly as he concluded. The reason she reacted the way she did when he told her he didn’t want to break her. She was used to being called ‘not very robust’ which equaled fragile. Little did she know, she was anything but. She was strong, fierce, and had power in her. Power he would soon unfold.
“Sounds like a good fit. But don’t tell her what exactly it is, nor about me, I want her to go in blind, just like the others. They are not supposed to know what to expect. The techniques only work if people are caught in surprise.”
“Of course not. I really hope it’ll help her; she deserves it.”
“Does she?”
Please, spill all the gossip.
“She had a tough start in life, well, actually, everything in her life is rough. It made her become rough too, although she tries to hide it behind her perfectionism. I always try to get her out of her hole, but she’s living a different life than the rest of us, and now the thing with her fiancé, it is all quite a mess with her, like always.”
“Sounds like she could use a push.”
My push. And it will be grand. She won’t know what’s happening to her, and then it will be my time to act.
As he and Julie parted for the rest of the break, he couldn’t help but wander back to Emma. To the exquisite view into her eyes and soul he had last night. And the hunter in him roared, requesting to be released.
It is time to play.
Tell me, did you imagine me fucking you this morning?
Her whole body froze as if the temperature in the room had dropped to minus twenty-degrees Celsius. For a fraction of a second, her stomach plummeted as if she were in free-fall. Immediately, all her muscles tensed, and her hands began to tremble as she re-read the words from the message that just appeared on her phone. Her heart hammered against her chest, racing as if she were being hunted from uptown all the way to downtown. Only she was hunted in her own apartment.
He’s a stalker.
A hunter.
I knew it.