Page 49 of The Guru: Shadow
Holy crap!She groaned ever so loudly as she stepped into a hall with hundreds of people lined up on chairs. Revulsion engulfed her immediately. The smell of the room was bedazzling, as if someone had smoked it with too many incense sticks. It made her a bit drowsy, while her head began to hurt, accompanied by her fast-beating heart from being presented with so many people.
I fucking hate strong smells. And I fucking hate people!
“J, are you kidding me?” A dozen of people turned their heads and stared at her with glazing eyes.
“Em, no talking,” hissed Julie.
No talking?
It must have been one of the rules.
“How many people are here?” she whispered.
“Supposed to be around 1,500. I told you; you had to get out of your comfort zone. Now follow the rules.”
The fuck I will.
“I didn’t process it, zoomed out.”
Now it was Julie who groaned because in their whole life together she had heard this sentence like a million times, especially in school.
And as they reached their designated chairs, Julie reached for the notebook and pencil set out on each of the seats and scribbled the essentials on it.
1. No talking, except allowed if requested.
2. Once entered, you cannot leave until Sunday.
3. Don’t give advice.
4. Don’t judge.
5. Leave the bad vibes outside the room.
6. Tears are welcomed.
7. Sharing only in sharing spaces.
8. Always follow the orders of the team leaders.
9. If you are not feeling well, go to team leaders or share in sharing spaces.
10. Nothing of what happens here gets outside, by participating, you agree to non-disclosure for anyone outside.
Staring at the page, her mind started to race. This was beyond outrageous. All of it revolted her. It literally felt as if her insides were separating itself from her body. She was forced into doingwhatever it was in the hopes of a better life, only in the disguise of dominance, control and power play.
I need to get out of here. Like quick.
And while she glanced around, she saw every entrance guarded by some of the team members. She also saw Meera, who entered the door they’d come through. She placed herself at the door, as if it were a fortress with gold behind it. Only it was freedom. And right now, she had been robbed of her freedom against her will.
Suddenly, loud rustling noises, like water running distantly down a river, began to play. When it stopped, a deep and rich sound of a heart vibrated through her head and torso.
It was a slow, dangerous rhythm.