Page 5 of The Guru: Shadow
Lisa smiled back at him, and then his earpiece counted him in. It was time.
Fun indeed. Let the games begin.
“Are you reeeeeaaaaadyyyyy to finally break free?” heshouted into his microphone as he stepped onto the stage, clapping his hands. As expected, the masses cheered and celebrated him like a god. It was the magic of pumping people up with music and energy, letting them believe they could do anything.
Give people hope, and they’ll do anything. So easy. So predictable.
“So, here’s what we’ll do today. You’ll let go of everything holding you back and you’ll create the future you want and deserve. How does that sound?”
More cheers.
“Who is ready to finally become themselves? Finally live their dreams? Finally be the creator of their own reality? Say yes!”
People cheered again and the entire hall shouted, “Yes!”
“I can’t hear you!”
And they cheered louder, people jumping up to the music.
“Still, can’t hear you. Do you really want it?”
Now they went feral.
Yes, go get high on the energy highway. Open yourself up, break free, and remove your rational filters.
“At the end of this weekend, you’ll go home, and you will fucking show up. You will change and take responsibility for your life. Who believes it to be possible their life can completely change in a single weekend?”
Many hands went up, but not all. There was the red dot, the first mark, number one. And he did not lift his arm.
So he went down from the stage and walked almost twenty rows towards the guy. A pathetic sissy, how he stood there, all shy and giving him the ‘I-wanna-be-everywhere-else-but-here-vibes’ accompanied by those empty eyes. He’d make a great toy.
As he walked up to the man, he signaled the crew with a short wave of his hand to get him a microphone. As the guy realized he was singled out, his whole body tensed and was on the verge of fleeing as he backed away. But he would not let him.
He stopped. Like prey frozen from sensing its reaper.
“What’s your name?”
“Liam, why are you here?”
“M-My mother told me to go.”
Stuttering. Insecure. Prey.
“And what is going on in your life that needs to change?”
“I, I–” said Liam and he rubbed one of his hands against his thigh. He could sense Liam’s discomfort and nervousness with a prickle in his nerves, which gave him a thrilling rush.
“Tell us, Liam. You need to get out of your comfort zone. I can feel you, with all my heart, it can be so hard to step into the light, but you need to take responsibility.”
It was a blatant lie, but it was exactly what Liam needed to hear.