Page 57 of The Guru: Shadow
“I’ll never be yours.”
“Oh you already are. You were from the moment I fucked that pestilent mouth of yours. And I told you, you’ll pay for it if you leave.”
“I. Am. Not. Yours. So, fuck off.”
“You know, I’d rather fuck you right here, where everyone can see what a disobedient broken minx you are.”
And she could feel his hard cock pressing against her butt.
“You’d never. People would see. What would people think of you when they read the papers tomorrow and learn their favorite guru raped a client at an event? They’d eat you alive and all your power would be gone.”
Still sharp under pressure. Thank that non existent God for that ability.
It was the only thing she could think of. The only way to grasp a man like him by the balls was through ego, his deepest longings, and desires. “And aside from that, I only did what you told me, not have others rule my life.”
“Mhhhm,” he breathed into her ear, which made goosebumps prick her back in a silent shiver. It was like she had a violent bear standing behind her, waiting for it to decide whether to eat her or not.
She should fear him. But then, she had never felt more alive than with him. It was a blissful second where she embraced being alive, feeling thrilled and almost high from it.
And exactly at that moment, he pushed himself off and whirled her around. On his face, a malicious grin while he backed off, piercing her with his eyes.
“Run, love, run. And watch your back.”
Hell, this woman.
She would be his downfall. Unpredictably, she had messed with him, with his emotions and all his plans. Because she had the dare. The dare to stand against him. And not only was it her dare, but somehow, she managed to keep a clear mind in all the chaos. Ultimately, he wanted to break her. Break her shell and let in the light to explore her darkness. But she did not break. Because she wasn’t weak. She wasn’t fragile. She was everything, but.
All of him longed for her to run. So he had a reason to go after her. A reason to lash out at her for being so sassy. It would be a splendid play coming to an end with a grand finale.
But she did not run when he let go of her.
Instead, a smile he had never seen before appeared on her face as she drew herself up, her eyes flashing at him with a darkness in them that drew him magically to her. All the fear and panic – vanished. It was the same woman who had whispered to him, ‘I see you, too.’
She knew exactly who and what he was. And instead of running, she played him like the most gifted pianists on this earth played their piano - with caution, with care, and in full symbiosis.
The way she looked at him was intoxicating.
“Only prey runs,” she whispered, and for the first time ever, a vibrant shudder of pure, warm delight ran through his body.
When she moved towards him, all of her shouted strength and power. Gone was the fearful introverted girl from a minute ago. In front of him, pushing him backwards into the wall by the throat, was a woman fierce like fire and destructive as a hurricane. Her palms then encased his face while her lips met his in a daring union of fierceness and lust, her tongue valiantly entering his mouth like a goddess claiming him. Within him, an explosion of arousal fired through his body as he let her take over.
She was wild water.
And roaring fire.
She was the most beautiful of days.
And the sweetest darkness of the night.
She was the deepest of oceans.
And the highest of mountains.