Page 93 of The Guru: Shadow
This is going to be very interesting. But why go to all the lengths and then go home just like that? What are you up to, ma belle?
“Shit,” he whispered as he witnessed the crowd of paparazzi sprinting after her.
“It’s untypical that they’re that fast and that aggressive. Have you seen what Jaz sent?”
“Social media is a nightmare, but this–” he said as he scrolled through the report on what Emma was facing on her profile and what people shared. “The aggression is much heavier than usual.”
“It is indeed,” answered Ed. “Her phone’s back on.”
It was time for his move.
Just ask
Seconds passed. A minute passed. And when he saw her typing, his heart began to race a bit in blissful anticipation.
“Deis, have a look at this.”
“What am I looking at?”
“It’s a photo of one of the paparazzi, only he isn’t one.”
Something was not right. He could sense it; his instincts knew something was different. The face. The way he looked. His memory for faces was exceptional, but he could not pinpoint it.
“Who is he, Ed?”
“I’m not getting anything in the databases, but he has a gun. Glock 19.”
“Federal. Or ex-Fed. It’s staged. Delilah. She’s having her removed. We need to get her out of there immediately, they will take her.”
Just that moment his phone vibrated.
They’re hunting me
I know
Because of you
No, because you ran
It’s a game to you
You started it
I have nowhere to go, they’re everywhere
I know, all you need to do is ask
Would she do it though?
All of him wanted her to. If, she would be his.