Page 9 of Monster in Disguise
"Iwill help?" I ask, almost amused. But I already know what he's going to say.
"This will be the perfect opportunity for you to prove yourself to the famiglia. Clear the way for the merchandise, win their favor. Simple."
"So simple," I repeat mockingly. Vlad chuckles.
"Come on, it will be like old times," he adds with a little too much enthusiasm. That much is true. I'd run away while Vlad had succumbed.
"It was worth a try." He pauses and changes the subject. "How's the famiglia treating you so far?"
"I have yet to meet most of them. But there was no homecoming party."
"Did you expect one?"
"No," I add drily. Sobering, I ask something that's been nagging at me for a while, "How safe is Sacre Coeur?"
"Safe enough. For now. Are you thinking of taking your sister home?"
"If that's what she wants... but I highly doubt it."
"Don't worry about that. She's not the onlyprincipessahiding there."
I grunt and hang up. I have a visit scheduled with Assisi tomorrow to inform her of Tino's death. Although I doubt she'll want anything to do with me.
I sigh. I don't think I can ever make amends for everyone I've hurt.
Sacre Coeur is up north,half an hour off Albany, in a remote area.
I maneuver my car off the road and scan the area for a parking spot. This place is not meant to accommodate casual visitors, so there are no designated parking spots in sight. After ensuring that my car won't get towed, I exit the vehicle and make my way towards the main gate.
The first thing that strikes me about Sacre Coeur is its sheer size. It looms over me like a fortress, its Gothic architecture radiating an unwelcoming aura. The similarities to the Met Cloisters are uncanny, except this structure is magnified in both scale and foreboding presence. A towering two-meter concretewall surrounds the convent, separating it from the outside world.
Every inch of the perimeter is covered with CCTV cameras, and guards are stationed at every entry point. If I didn't know better, I'd mistake this for a maximum-security prison. Even barbed wire lines the top of the walls, adding an extra layer of protection. Vlad had mentioned that security was tight here, but now I understand why. What could have prompted such high levels of precaution? Surely a group of nuns wouldn't be trying to escape...
As I approach the main entrance, the guards demand to see my ID and cross-check it against their list of approved individuals. Once satisfied with my identity, they instruct me to remove my shoes and pass through a metal detector.
It's all a bit excessive for a religious institution. I can't imagine what would happen if there were any physical pat-downs involved—things could go south quickly. Thankfully, the inspection ends there and I am allowed to proceed inside.
As I enter the convent, I am met with an imposing presence. An older woman, dressed in the traditional black and white robes of a Mother Superior, stands before me with a stern expression.
Her mouth is pinched tightly at the corners, etching a scowl onto her face. I bow my head respectfully.
"Mother Superior," I greet her.
She acknowledges me with a nod before speaking again. "Mr. Lastra. I understand you are here to see Sister Assisi."
"Yes, that is correct," I confirm, but she continues talking as if I didn't answer.
"Sister Assisi is a kind and charitable soul. She will be taking her vows next year, on a path of light. I hope your visit will not disrupt that."
"I assure you, Mother Superior, my visit is only to convey some news. It will not interfere with Sister Assisi's ceremony."
"Very well," she responds, eyeing me suspiciously.
Together, we pass through a narrow passage lined with low pointed arches until we reach an open clearing. Lush green spaces surround us, and nuns clad in their signature attire wander about, deeply engrossed in conversation.
In the center of the clearing stands a square stone outline filled with rows of meticulously tended flowers. And at its heart, a replica statue of Michelangelo's Pietà gleams in bronze. I am taken aback by the peacefulness of this place, almost in awe as Mother Superior motions for me to take a seat on the stone outline.
"I will fetch Sister Assisi for you now. Please wait here," she instructs before departing with purposeful strides.