Page 12 of Chased Bear
At one point, I lost him—or at least thought I did. Suddenly, he appeared in front of me, standing tall and letting out a loud roar. He was massive in his bear form, much bigger than me. I stopped in my tracks, instinctively rolling over to expose my belly like a wolf, acknowledging his dominance as the Alpha. His lips curled in what looked like a grin as he panted, worn out from our run.
I tipped my chin and turned away, and he let out a satisfied chuff, as if to say, “I win.” Perhaps he had, but I felt like I won in a different way. He had fun. There was a glint in his eye that hadn’t been there before, and we were well past the time he’d wanted to be back home. Adyan needed more of this in his life. Good thing I was around to make that happen. At least for a little while.
He started walking toward wherever we needed to go. By this point, I was completely lost. I walked by his side, our shoulders brushing every so often. Sometimes he would nudge me with his head, and I did the same. It was cozy and relaxed, and I wanted it to last forever.
Chapter 8
My thoughts were going a direction I couldn’t control. I was headed at warp speed toward a bad decision, and I had no intention of hitting the brakes. Jayce was nothing like what I expected him to be while at the same time being exactly like it, and it was making my head spin and my dick ask to be part of the conversation.
If Jayce gave me any indication that he was interested in a fling, then I was going to be hard pressed to say no. Actually, that was a lie. I’d jump at the opportunity without a second’s thought.When it came to Jayce, I seemed to let all logic go out the window.
It was more than just him being sexy as fuck, which he was. He had a way of breaking through the walls I had up, the ones that kept me focused, and as bad as that was—it was also freaking amazing. Maybe letting him stay here was a bad idea.
We were inside my house, standing just inside the backdoor and were still naked. I’d seen the entire den naked. It was no big deal. We were shifters, it came with the nudity, it was no big deal. Only that wasn’t the case with Jayce. I wanted to lick him from head to toe despite his scent.
Part of me wanted to dig deeper, to have him let me know what really happened with the skunk. But then there was the self-preservation side of myself that half thought it might’ve been a lover’s spat or one-night stand gone wrong and no part of me wanted to hear that. It was for sure a case of ignorance being bliss. Probably.
“I should go to bed,” Jayce said. “Maybe shower first.”
Ah. So he wasn’t going to make a move. A wave of disappointment wafted through me. Reality was, it was probably for the best. He was my brother’s best friend and a new den member. I couldn’t cross that boundary and expect it not to blow up in my face.
But there were other things I wanted to explode in my face and on my chest and down my throat. This was definitely an issue,a big one. I needed to shut these thoughts down and walk away. Only thing was, I couldn’t.
I thought or maybe hoped that he’d walk away, go down the hall to the bathroom and shower, then go to bed. That would make it easy. Out of sight and all of that. Only he hesitated at first and then… then he stepped closer to me. His eyes roved down my body. When he lifted his hand and trailed his fingertips down my chest, I knew I was done for. His touch seared me in the best of ways.
“I can’t scent for shit right now, alpha, but I can see. I’m not wrong, right? You want this?”
I did. I so very much did. But also, it was a bad idea. The worst of ideas. Screw it. I didn’t care. Or I did and forgot because all there was now were the two of us and this moment. All logic had fled the building… the den… the county.
“You might be wrong about a lot of things, Jayce, but not about this.” Screw it. His cock was filling as quickly as mine was. What harm could come of it?
“We shouldn’t though, right? It’s a terrible idea.” Did he mean it or was he trying to convince himself? I wasn’t sure.
“Awful idea. Probably the worst I ever had.” I for sure was focused on convincing myself.
“You aren’t running away.”
I shook my head. My hands went to his hips, and I pulled him closer. I hadn’t let myself look, because I was a gentleman, but now I felt his arousal grinding against my own. “I’m not running.”
“To the shower then?”
I nodded.
Jayce took a hold of my hand and led me through the house. I didn’t let my gaze wander away from him. His creamy skin looked delicious. The perfect round globes of his ass would look perfect with my handprints on them. I wanted to mark him in the worst way.
He seemed to know exactly where he was going. The main bedroom had an ensuite and he took us there.
“You have protection, alpha?”
I nodded and indicated toward the nightstand. My bear didn’t like the idea. He wanted nothing between us. But this wasn’t about him, and this might be a terrible mistake and I refused to compound it by making another.
Jayce pulled out a condom. “We’ll save this for later. Shower first.”
“How about we take it to the shower with us?” Would that work? Would friction rule the day? Whatever. I didn’t care. Right now,I just needed to feel his body against mine, to explore every inch of him with my hands.
Jayce grinned. “I like the way you think.”