Page 17 of Midnight Whispers
Flamewas still in L.A. so we knew we could find our old friends, but I knew I wouldn’t be welcomed back into their family. Asher was so excited to see Markus once again, thought the look on his face confirmed my suspicions that we wouldn’t be welcomed.
I attempted to get the two of them on the dance floor, but it only took a couple of moments for Cedar to hear the news of us being there before he stormed out onto the dance floor.
“Brace yourself.”I mutter to Asher. His eyes grow wide as he turns to see what I’m referring to.
“Hello, Cedar.” Asher greets cooly.
“You’re not welcome here,” he hisses.
“Did Markus say that? Or is that an order from you?” I taunt.
Asher has never been one for confrontation and starts to pull on my arm. “Please, Finnian. Let’s just go. This was obviously a mistake. Surely there are other clubs.”
“If you want to see how a real vampire lives, come with me,” he says to Wren. “But you two aren’t allowed in Flame.” He jabs his finger into my chest.
I can hear the panic in Asher’s voice and guilt flickers into my mind when I think of how much I’ve already put him through.
“Let’s go, Wren,” I instruct. “We can find somewhere else.”
Cedar holds his gaze and lifts the corner of his mouth in a smirk.
“I think I’m going to stay here. I’ll see you at home?” Wren replies and follows Cedar into the back room.
I snap backto reality as she leaves the building, Cedar’s eyes never leaving her body. His gaze lingers on her for a moment before his stare meets mine. He raises an eyebrow in challenge,tempting me to come to him and do exactly what I should have done all those lifetimes ago. I bare my teeth at him, a warning that she ismine.
Anger obscures my vision as the corner of his mouth rises in a smirk. Everything with Lillia is a game to him now, his need for revenge fueling him. He knows that humans are naturally drawn to vampires and he’s using it to his advantage with her.
He has been seeking revenge on me for decades, which started with Wren.
Once we had leftFlame,Asher went into his room to watch the movie we rented fromBlockbusteron our way home from the club. I stayed out in the living room, pacing back and forth until after the sun came up.
After the sun set again, I went back toFlame.
“You’re not on the list,” the bouncer says as I try to walk in.
I raise my hands in a gesture of civility and reply, “I just need to see if my… brother is in there. If I’m not allowed inside, can you at least get Markus?”
He nods before stepping inside. I pace the sidewalk as I wait, chewing the inside of my cheek while the little patience I have grows thin.
Finally, Markus appears, a look of irritation gracing his chiseled jaw. “Finn,” Markus sighs.
“Markus,” I grab onto his shoulder. “Is Wren here?”
“No, he’s not.”
“He was here last night when we left. Cedar took him into the backroom.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I know.”
My jaw clenches. “What is it?”
“Cedar and he left early this morning. I don’t know where or else I’d tell you.”
“He promises me that he’ll keep him safe.”
Anger and griefcloud my vision, it’s a dangerous combination if you’re not in the right mindset. It was a driving force for my hatred all these years.