Page 25 of No Other Love
He shrugged and didn’t answer.
I didn’t push the point and went to the cupboard to sort my stuff out in the cupboard. His clothes were neatly folded in one half of the cupboard while the roomier shelves, with hangers – such as those required for maxi and mini dresses – and a jewelry locker were all bare. Stunningly bare.
And kept meticulously clean. As if they were just awaiting occupation by someone.
I shot Vikrant a look from downcast lashes. He was getting the sofa ready for bed, tucking the sheet into the sides of the arms, and placing the pillow on the side he preferred, next to the stack of books.
Could he actually be waiting forme?
What a ridiculous idea…
‘I’ll go freshen up, if that’s okay?’ Vikrant said.
‘Go right ahead,’ I invited.
I went out to the balcony, to enjoy the gentle rain and give Vikrant his privacy. It was somehow too intimate to watch him get ready for a shower and bed. It reminded me of all the times he’d gently insisted I shower with him, ‘for water conservation’. More often than not, we wasted water and had the funniest, sexiest times.
One time, he’d literally slipped on a stray bar of soap and fallen on his butt, injuring his tailbone.
I laughed my butt off before helping him up.
I blinked back tears as I remembered everything – the good times and bad – that I successfully repressed for months now. Maybe being back here, with him, for this one week, could give me the closure I needed to move on with my life.
Without him.
Lightning flashed, cutting across the velvety sky with a silver crack, followed by roaring thunder. The rain turned forceful. Falling on my face and clothes, drenching me.
Good, the rain would hide my tears.
I wiped at my streaming cheeks and walked slowly back in just as Vikrant bounded out with a curse, slamming the ensuite bathroom door open.
My eyes widened as I saw him wrap a towel around his hips and curse loudly. In a fraction of a second, I took in his glistening chest that looked stupidly good wet. And the way his hair curled at the nape, drawing my attention to the dents on his shoulders, because he was an exercise fiend and kept himself in shape by doing all the right things. Exercise and enough sleep and a diet of super healthy things like protein shakes and leafy vegetables.
Heat pooled in my belly, wetting me with its instantaneous reaction.
‘Hey! What happened?’
Vikrant held the towel in one hand. ‘There’s a lizard in there.’
‘What?’ I asked thickly while I devoured the droplets of water streaming down his back and disappearing into the indents made by his gluteus maximus. I clutched my fingers tight, digging the nails into the soft bed of my palms.
‘There’s a fucking lizard in there. As big as a rat.’
His words penetrated my foggy brain.
I laughed. Loud and free.
Vikrant gave an affronted look as he knotted the towel properly and wiped a hand down his half soapy face. ‘It’s not funny, Anika. You know they are slippery creatures. And they bite.’
I controlled the rest of my laugh with effort and kept a straight face as I nodded soberly. ‘I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll go shoo it off, okay?’