Page 5 of No Other Love
‘Everyone else does,’ he muttered.
‘I’m not like everyone else.’ I tugged at my hands, and he released them immediately. I wound them around his neck and tugged him closer. ‘That’s why you want me so bad you’ll fuck me in the on-call room.’
Vikrant glanced back at the closed door.
I settled deeper into him. The bed we were in, was a torn and sagging sofa with the stuffing coming out at one end. It was home to about a million butt impressions and perpetually soft.
‘Anika, the springs will give out,’ he tried half-heartedly.
‘So?’ I smiled, sexy and inviting. Knowing I had him. ‘Go slow.’
I kissed him. Swallowing his mouth in a deep, luscious kiss that went on and on. He wrapped one palm around my skull, and kissed me back, with a little desperation. And I knew why.
It was because of that mangal sutra comment. A sore point, every time Vikrant’s mother called on the video chat and he made me wear it.
‘I love you, Vikrant Pandit,’ I whispered against his lips.
He took my scrub top off, an expression of utter, focused bliss on his face. And I felt love, and desire, and a million other emotions move through her. Maybe I could wear the stupid mangal sutra if it made him happy.
‘I can’t stop wanting you.’ He squeezed me through the sheer lacy, lemon-colored bra. ‘You’re perfect.’
He tongued my nipple and bit it lightly. I moaned, squeezing my thighs around his arousal. He did it again and I dragged my core against it. His other hand drifted over my inside thigh and rubbed against my center.
‘Fuck.’ I gritted out. ‘You’re evil.’
‘If I am.’ He dotted kisses over the swell of my breasts on the bra and then dragged his tongue inside and swirled it around the nipple. ‘It’s because of you, wife.’
I dragged his head up with one hand and untied his scrub pants with the other. ‘Stop torturing me.’
Her words and the kiss mingled in desperation. A hot, wet, writhing mass of exploding desire and consuming love. He gentled me with nothing but his lips on mine, so the kiss turned soft, questing…pretty.
‘No.’ Vikrant said coolly and plunged one hand into my pants.
I whimpered, arched into his touch and the burning intent of his desire. Knowing heaven and hell were about to open inside me…any minute now.
The violent shaking of the bed woke me up. The soft moan died on my lips as I looked around, wildly. Expecting to seeVikrant on top, ready to give me the best hospital orgasm of my life. Aching for him…
‘The NICU patient’s parents want to talk to you, Ani,’ Nurse Tara said loudly.
I blinked against the strong, neon light that illuminated the nurse’s station couch. For the last year, I have napped here when I had to work double shifts.
The on-call room was a no-go zone now. The one time I had gone there last year, I spent the whole time crying into the pillow and ended up with a migraine.
No, thank you!
Deprivation was a physical ache inside me as I finally processed the nurse’s request.
‘Okay,’ I said. ‘I’ll come.’
Tara gave me a soft, sympathetic look. ‘You were doing it again. Talking in your sleep.’
Pretending not to hear the nurse’s pitying words, I stood up, stretching the kinks in my neck, my entire body.
I talked in my sleep in times of extreme stress. It had begun back when my parents had first sent me to boarding school, when I was caught smoking with the gardener’s son.
It usually meant I was desperately, awfully, alone and scared. At least that’s what the professor in the Psychology class back in medical college had told me proudly. What the fuck did he know?