Page 27 of Alpha's Hidden Gem
"Ugh, my head," I groaned as I blinked my eyes open.
As I blink rapidly, trying to make sense of my surroundings, panic starts to rise in my chest like a tidal wave. It hits me all at once - I'm trapped in a small, cramped space. The air is stale, and there's a low rumble that I quickly recognize as an engine. Oh God, I'm in the trunk of a moving car.
I must have passed out.
"Fuck," I mutter under my breath, my heart pounding so hard I swear it's trying to break free from my ribcage. I take a deep breath, trying to quell the rising tide of fear that threatens to drown me. "Think, Lila, think."
I run my hands along the interior of the trunk, searching for any latch or release mechanism that could offer a means of escape. The hero always finds some hidden latch and dramatically escapes, why not me. No such luck here. The rough carpet scratches against my skin as I frantically feel for any sign of hope. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes when I find nothing but smooth metal and unyielding plastic. So much for Hollywood miracles.
Suddenly, the car jostles, throwing me harshly to the side. I grunt in pain as my shoulder slams against the trunk wall.
"Son of a bitch," I curse. I feel like I’m in a washing machine on spin cycle, I swear.
"Where the hell are you taking me?" I cry out in desperation, knowing my captors likely can't hear me. But hey, a girl can try.
I strain my ears, trying to catch any sound from outside my metal prison. Muffled voices float through from the car's interior, and I struggle to make out the words.
"...almost there...boss will be pleased..."
I shudder at the ominous implications, my mind spinning with terrifying possibilities. Who's this boss they're talking about? And why would they be pleased about kidnapping me? I'm just a food truck owner, for crying out loud!
The car slows and turns onto what feels like a rough, unpaved road. The bumps and jolts intensify, and I'm tossed around like a ragdoll in the darkness. Gravel crunches beneath the tires, and I realize we must be heading somewhere remote.
Great, just great.Because being kidnapped wasn't bad enough, now we're heading to the middle of nowhere. My chances of escape are looking slimmer by the second.
As I'm being jostled around, my thoughts drift to Axel. Oh, Axel. The mysterious and alluring man who has captured my heart. I pray he is looking for me, that he will somehow find me before it's too late. Tears stream down my face as I imagine his strong arms around me, his voice whispering reassurances in my ear. God, what I wouldn't give to hear his voice right now.
The car comes to an abrupt stop, and I hear doors slamming. My breath catches in my throat as I brace myself for whatever comes next. Heavy footsteps approach the trunk, and my entire body tenses in anticipation. This is it, Lila. Whatever happens next, you've got to be ready.
"Please, Axel," I whisper into the darkness, one last desperate plea. "Please find me..."
The trunk opens, and suddenly I'm blinded by the moonlight. Before I can even adjust my eyes, rough hands drag me out into the cool night air. Well, they messed with the wrong girl. Instinctively, I lash out, my fist connecting with something semi-soft. I hear a grunt of pain, then a low, menacing growl that doesn't sound human. Wait, what?
"Stop her!" the man yells as I sprint around the car and down the driveway. My heart is pounding in my ears, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Freedom is so close I can taste it.
But then, a hand clamps down on my shoulder, spinning me around. I come face to face with one of the men, his eyes glowingwith a menace that sends chills down my spine. "And where do you think you're going, little mouse?" he growls.
As I look around I see the men exchanging looks with a nod to each other.
"This should keep her from running off," one growls in a guttural, barely human voice.
"Better hope so," another replies. "You know what will happen if we let her get away."
I open my mouth to scream, but the sound dies in my throat as I witness something that defies everything I thought I knew about reality.
The men around me begin to change. And I don't mean in a metaphorical sense. I mean they literally start transforming right before my eyes. Bones crack and shift, fur sprouts from their skin, and their faces elongate into vicious muzzles. Where men stood moments ago, now massive wolves tower over me, red eyes gleaming with malice.
I'm frozen, my mind unable to process what I'm seeing. This can't be real. Werewolves don't exist. They're the stuff of cheesy horror movies and teenage romance novels. But as one of them snaps its jaws near my face, the hot breath and gleaming teeth are undeniably real.
Oh God, this is really happening.
Alpha? Are they talking about Axel? He is the only one that knows I have been kidnapped by these... these... I don't even know what to call them. Werewolves? Monsters? Whatever they are, they're real, and they've got me. Hope flickers in my chest at the thought of Axel, quickly smothered by terror as they drag me into an old, decrepit house and lock me in a cage.
I watch the werewolves come and go, sometimes in human form, sometimes as wolves. They argue about packs and territories, about who are rogues and alphas. None of it makes sense, yet it's my new reality. It's like I've been thrust into some bizarre parallel universe where all the rules I thought I knew have been thrown out the window.
In quiet moments, my thoughts drift to Axel. Is he looking for me? Does he know about this hidden world of werewolves? Or am I truly alone in this nightmare? The uncertainty is almost as bad as the fear.