Page 18 of Burn for the Devil
“Uh huh,” the man mumbled, shooing me away before striding across the sidewalk, yelling at the reporters breaking the line.
Dumping the blanket an emergency worker had wrapped around my shoulders, I searched for my mother. I found her in the back of an ambulance, bawling her eyes out, my father patting her on the back.
Obnoxiously, my father raised his voice slightly, announcing how crime in the city was out of control and how he’d deal with it. “Dad,” I interrupted his tirade. “Can we go?”
Voice still elevated, he said, “I can’t believe they questioned you. My daughter a suspect...” He shook his head, curling an arm around my mom.
If this was what I had to look forward to, I hoped my father’s campaign would fail. “Let’s just go, Dad. Let’s get Mom away from these cameras.” Seeing the wisdom in my words, my dad gathered my mom, and we left.
My shop became popular over the next few days. Word had spread that I’d witnessed a murder and nothing I could say would change anyone’s mind. Coming across a dead body after being the last person to have contact with them now equated having watched the actual crime take place according to the public.
No matter. Other than the constant ringing of the phone, the extra busyness was welcome. We even had to call in the other two employees we used occasionally to keep up with the rush. The new reading material on demons was selling well under the influx, much to my and Toni’s surprise and delight. I tucked one tome in my bag, curious to see what the fuss was about. I’d read it at home when I got the chance.
Intent on doing just that, I prepared for bed the minute I entered my home, showering and changing into a pajama short set. The book sat on my nightstand alongside the necklace box. Propped up against my pillows, I reached for the jewelry case before flicking it open. The gems and metal glowed under the low light of my bedside lamp, sparkling and compelling me to put it on.
Wear this and nothing else.
After I removed the piece from the box, fastened it around my neck, and walked over to my mirror. The gold chain and lavender gemstones glittered against my skin. I pulled my satin tank top up over my head for a better look, eyeing my reflectionbefore lowering it again. The piece shone against the black satin of my shirt, and I decided a gown of the same color would do for the opera.
I sighed, thinking of my family’s matchmaking attempts. Matthew was extremely good looking, and itwasa bonus he was well-off but I just wanted to be in charge of my own destiny. The outside interference grated at me. My choice had been taken away. Would I choose him on my own? Perhaps. Would he be a man who tried to cage me and control me? Likely, if he ran in the same circles as my parents. There was probably no escape.
My hands reached for my neck, fumbling for the clasp. My nails couldn’t quite grip the mechanism, so I left it, climbing back into bed. I settled against the pillows with my book on demons and began reading. The volume covered ways of summoning evil spirits, and their character traits. It seemed runes and other symbols were involved in the rituals, elaborate paragraphs to be read aloud in the pursuit of controlling non-human entities. Each demon had a unique personality dedicated to a different purpose, be it riches, fortune telling, protection, and other advantages over one’s fellow humans and circumstances.
It was interesting, but I nodded off, visions of Chad’s mutilated neck assaulting my thoughts before I fell asleep.
“I saidonlythis,” a deep voice whispered in my ear. I startled, a heavy weight pressing down on me. My hand flung out, contacting a wide shoulder.
“Don’t fight me,” the voice said, soft lips brushing the shell of my ear. My skin prickled as a smooth hand held my arm over my head. I couldn’t see; the room plunged into darkness. At some point I must’ve turned off the lamp or another bulb had broken.
Shoving at the shoulder by my face, I said, “What do you want? Get off of me.” It was the same as the night I’d begun finding myself imprisoned in the little cottage. Only this time, Icouldn’t see my assailant at all. There was no shadowy figure in a mask, and the air of aggression that accompanied my previous attack was absent.
“You, Samantha. I want you,” a pained voice said, as if wanting me was the worst thing that could happen to them. The sound wrapped around my heart, leaving tiny cuts to fester. I almost felt sorry for the man.
His thighs enclosed my own, the heat of his body warming my legs. The soft skin of my wrist grew hot where he gripped me. I tried to move my head and stopped when the soft brush of lips sent heat streaking down to my core.
A low, dark laugh brought me back. “You want me too.” He rubbed against me, letting me feel just how much he wanted me. I pushed against him again, attempting to dislodge the massive form when he sank onto me further, pinning me to the bed. His free hand gripped my neck and my own curled around my blankets.
“What do you want from me?” I was choking, the words sputtering from my lips. He lifted his hand enough for me to breathe.
He pushed his cock against my center, and I gasped. The man was going to rape me. He leaned back a few inches, and more air flew into my lungs. A sharp prick pierced my breast, and I held my breath. Silky hair fell across my chest, sliding across my nipples before I felt the pads of his fingers tracing the mounds of my breasts. His lips made contact against my skin and with a flick of the tongue, he lapped at my flesh. The wet sound filled the stillness of my room while I lay imprisoned.
Moonlight crossed my vision, finally highlighting the dark form of the man covering my body but still hiding his features. Goosebumps skittered along my skin. He was familiar, I knew it in my soul. My hand reached out toward him, and he captured it, multiple rings grazing my knuckles.
He clasped me gently and lifted me to a sitting position, moving his mouth from my chest to travel up to my collarbone, and then my neck. His breath was hot against my skin, and I shuddered, the sensation not at all unpleasant. A feeling drifted through my body; I was floating in the softest air, tendrils of satin and silk winding their way through my body, inside my cells. The sweetest fragrance filled my nostrils, and I heard the man groan, repeating my name and whispering words I couldn’t understand.
The sensation traveled through me, down to my core, filling me with desire. My clit throbbed with building pressure. I pulled the man’s hand toward my waist, and I felt him hesitate before his fingers darted below the band of my shorts. I was panting, lost in the magic of his lips and the breath along my neck, and I was now cradled on his lap. My arm snaked along his back, seeking his flesh, the feel of his skin. He hissed and plunged his fingers inside my lower lips, breaking my weak resistance. My cry echoed through my room, and I heard him growl, “Fuck.” He released me, dropping me onto my mattress as I came down from my orgasm.
He shoved me onto my back, caging me. “Wait for me,” he ordered. “Unless you want every man that meets your eyes to encounter Chad’s fate.”
“What?” I whispered. This was crazy, there was no way he killed a server for me, he didn’t even know me. “Who are you?”
Something sharp pressed into the center of my chest. “Their blood will be on your hands.” A curtain of hair dangled in my face, tickling my nose before teeth bit my neck and a kiss was pressed against my cheekbone. “You belong to me. Any man who looks at you will die, but I do so enjoy arts and crafts.” I could feel his smirk even though I couldn’t see it.
Stunned, I sat there. The frame of my bed squeaked, and the man walked out, leaving me both bewildered at my reaction tothe intrusion and bereft over his absence.I just let a stranger have their way with me and I liked it.I heard shoes pounding down the staircase.
No. This was all just a dream. A very vivid dream.