Page 3 of That Emerald Vow
“But I’m tired,” I whine as I cuddle my teddy bear harder, feeling the exhaustion of running around in the backyard all day.
“I know, darling. But I have a special gift for you. I think your teddy bear needs a friend. Don’t you?”
I quickly open my eyes and squeal, “Yes! She’s so lonely.”
He chuckles. “That’s my girl. I’m lonely too. And I think you can help both of us.”
“I love to help! I don’t want you or Teddy to be lonely,” I say honestly.
“That’s what I like to hear.” He pulls my covers off. The sudden cold air makes my body shiver. “First, we’re gonna help withmyloneliness”
I turn my head, confused as I see him unbuckle his belt. I scrunch my eyebrows, trying to make sense of what is happening. We usually don’t change in front of others. That’s when I realize there is a rather large lump in his pants. He must’ve got something stuck there and needs help taking it out.
I turn my head, fawning to flag down the bartender as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to will the memory from my mind. My Uncle Demetri gifted me teddy bear after teddy bear for years in exchange forhelpinghim whenever he was in town babysitting me. After the first few times, I gave up fighting and let it happen because crying and screaming did nothing but make it worse. He is, to this day, the one person I am afraid to face. The one demon I can’t slay, no matter how manyothers I take down. Just the thought paralyzes me like I’m back in that tiny child’s body.
We order Landon another drink as I quietly pull the tiny vial from my jacket pocket when he isn’t looking. When the bartender puts the glass down, I lean towards Landon. “You gonna show me a good time? ‘Cause it’s beensooolong, and I could use a big, strong guy like you.” I stroke up and down his chest as my other hand quickly pours the contents of the vial into his drink when no one is looking.
“Oh, darling. Yes, I will.”
I take the whiskey glass and bring it to his lips. “Then drink up, big boy. I’m ready to go somewhere more private.” I wink at him. I gave him just a small dose of something to slowly make him groggy. Giving me just enough time to get him somewhere secluded.
I take Landon’s car, with him stashed away in the trunk, and head to an abandoned psychiatric hospital that has acres upon acres of abandoned buildings and land no one has used in over a decade. Even the homeless don’t come here for fear of the ghosts of the poor patients who died from the mistreatment of the old practices.
But the only person to fear here is me.
The one good thing about this hospital is that there is a lot of equipment left, just waiting to be used. I especially love the rusted and dull ones, which are extra fun for torture.
My muscles scream out from use after dragging him here. It was a bitch to do it, but this is why I go to the gym at least five days a week. I refuse to have any limitations to hinder what I need to get done—likedragging a dead or unconscious body.
I’m organizing all my tools on a tray as I think of creative ways I can prolong his pain, when I notice him starting to move his bowed head.
As he slowly comes to, his furrowed eyebrows quickly turn to widening eyes as he takes in his surroundings—the fear overtaking his senses. The only similarity between me and my prey is that we both enjoy that fear in those we target. The main difference is I only chase those who deserve it, people like him who prey on the innocent.
“W-where am I?” he asks as he starts to yank on his restraints. “What the hell are you doing?! Why am I tied up?”
“Oh, did you think we were going somewhere private so you could rock your balls off?” I grin at him mischievously as I pick up a scalpel. “No, no, no! I’m the only one who’s going to be enjoying tonight.”
“You bitch!” he says as he struggles to pull off his restraints.
I laugh. “You won’t be able to get those off. They’re for wilder patients than you.” Putting the scalpel back down, I grab the syringe and a bottle. “But this is for added precaution.”
Landon thrashes his arms and legs to no avail. “Stop! I’m going to fucking kill you as soon as I get out of—”
“As I was saying, this is only to take the edge off. But don’t you worry. You’ll still be fully lucid for the fun I plan to have with you.” I giggle as the needle pokes into his vein.
“Why the fuck are you doing this?” he asks. “I never did anything to you.” His energy is slowing down a smidge.
“You’re right, you didn’t do anything to me. But what about Lana? Whitney? Jane? Penelope? Jose? Alina? Mere—”
“H-how do you . . .” His words trail off.
I furrow my eyebrows in concentration as I pick my next tool off the tray. “Well, you see, my best friend and I, we started this amazing duo called the Furies. We go around ridding the world of meatheads like youwho just take, take, andtake.”
“I’m g-gonna get out of this. You won’t get away with this,” he promises.
“Promises. Promises.” I grab something that resembles a mini ice cream scooper and point it at him. “Actually, I will get away with this because no one is going to miss you . . . or even find you, for that matter, if they did.” I pause. “You only need one good eye for the rest of tonight,” I sing-song. “So let’s take care of the other.”
“Wait! Wait! Don’t! What are you going to do with that thing?” Landon screams as I saunter towards him. I use a speculum to keep his right eye open. “Stop!” With stealth and precision, I use the other tool to scoop his eyeball out. The drug is in full effect, and he only has so much ability to thrash around, but it doesn’t stop the musical screams that echo through the chambers.