Page 15 of Wicked Witch
“Yeah, sorry, bud, but hey once I figure out why I was brought here and how to break my curse, I’ll help you. But umm.”
I look around, and the chills running through me are becoming more intense. There are spirits everywhere, floating between the buildings. Some too gruesome to even mention.
One of the things I hate about being a medium.
When I saw my first ghost I was four. My mom was driving down the road, and I started to scream that they needed help. There was a young couple in a bad wreck.
Come to find out no one was there, and the accident happened twenty years ago. They call it a death echo, and sadly I tend to be the one spirits come to.
“Can you help me in the meantime? I had a vision that I needed to come here, but I’m not sure where to start.”
Arnie looks off at a huge mansion. “You haven’t been the first witch to come here since the blood moon. There have been a few others. Start at the High Priestess’s garden and hopefully you will know what to do next.”
“Thanks.” Leaving Arnie to his misery, I side swept past a woman with her face burned off and meandered around the other spirits flitting about.
As I get closer to the garden I feel a powerful pull, guiding my every step.
“Wow,” I gasp. For a place so desolate this is almost preserved. Greenery surrounds me from the overgrowth, but it’s beautiful in a chaotic way.
There is a small gazebo in the corner and that’s where I head. Plopping down on the weathered bench, I stare out at all the plants growing and the statues. But what’s confusing is the dead Earth behind the garden.
How is this so healthy, but beyond it is destroyed?
“Magic, darling. This place is protected.”
Closing my eyes, I let the High Priestess, Melisande speak to me.“I wanted more for Spells Hollow. I had a vision, but…”
A vision so strong hitting me has me gripping the weathered wood for dear life.
He followsme when he thinks I do not see him. I know he is plotting something. He wants the power that me and my loves hold between us. His jealousy becomes him and has turned him into someone I fear may hurt us.
I will do everything in my power to make that untrue.
What once was anonymous gifts and what he believed to be worship has turned.
He covets things he will never possess and I watch as he’s becoming uncontrollable. He uses his magic recklessly without consequence.
As the years pass his power has become something sinister. I don’t want it or him here.
This land was meant to be a haven for my family and coven.
Morfran does not see. He doesn’t have the same vision as us.
He does not belong.
Spells Hollow is meant to be a sanctuary. I have tried to uphold my duty. I have allowed him to stay here with us. He’s not pleased that I still deny him entry to the coven. He hasn’t said anything, but I can tell.
He’s planning something.
I should have listenedto myself. Donahue swore that I was overreacting. That my concerns were just fear, but now it’s too late.
My children. My beautiful babies are all dead and I know who did it.
Their lifeless bodies have been drained of magic. Dark, sinister workings of an evil man.
It’s time that I must end him. My lovers wish for us to go to war, but the future of the coven rests upon me.