Page 36 of Wicked Witch
“Depends on the day. I’m known to be quite wicked at times.” Glancing over my shoulder, I really look at him. He doesn’t seem to be too freaked out, but he’s always been good at hiding things.
“As long as you don’t turn me into an amphibian like your mother did, or curse me, I’ll be fine,” he jokes, giving me a smirk.
“Don’t betray me and we have a deal.” Turning to face him, I offer him my hand to shake. He doesn’t know it, but when his palm touches mine, he’s just made a magical promise to me.
“Sugarbean, where are you?” Cirrus shouts from the front door, and my mother scolds him.
“Were you raised in a barn? You don’t have to yell, she’s obviously in the kitchen.”
Footsteps stomp through the worn floorboards, and soon my mischievous Fae’s blue hair is peeking through the doorway.
“Lovepot, this place is a mess, but it’s a good thing I’m a contractor. We shall have this place back to its morning glory in no time.”
Scoffing, my mother crosses her arms over her chest. “I think we should focus on purging the property of that evil man’s presence.”
My eyes widen, and she sighs. “The lost souls here have been very informative. Seriously, daughter? You call yourself apsychic. I am going to take this one with me and figure out a way to cleanse the Earth.”
Grabbing Arnie’s hand, she leads him out of the house. He shoots me a panicked look, but I give him a wink. My mother won’t hurt him. He’s an adorable tourist who got trapped here.
He’s innocent, and I will punish whoever stole his life.
“Why does she look like she’s about to go on a murder spree?” Astor asks. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and center myself.
“Arnie was killed, and I was thinking about the vengeance I am going to rain down on the culprits. Dead or alive.”
“Who the hell is Arnie?” Sin mutters, and I sigh, shaking my head.
“Long story. I’ll tell you later, but for now let’s conjure up some supplies and start working on the house. My mother can help with the yard, mainly the dead Willow tree in the back corner.”
The guys nod, and Cirrus mumbles something weird. A loud crash sounds, shaking the house.
“What the fuck was that?” I snap, and he winces.
“I may have underestimated the distance from the yard to the porch,” he says as we rush to the front door.
Wynter is a witch.A full-blooded, magical, casts spells and wears a hat, witch.
“Cirrus, you are going to give me gray hair!” Wynter shouts at Rus while they argue about his truck and supplies parked on the porch.
“I know my little gumdrop, but I didn’t mean to portal so close to the house. Please forgive me, my little Porky pig.”
“What did you just call me?” she gasps. I watch as her hand begins to glow blue, and Cirrus starts to shrink.
“I’ll give you a pig,” she hisses, and Cirrus oinks. I jump away from them and stand by my brother. What the fuck is happening right now?
A fluffy blue pig sits at Wynter’s feet, and she scowls before turning and walking outside.
“I know you love this girl, but we need to get the fuck out of dodge, Sin,” I mumble softly, hoping no one hears me.
Laughing, he glances at me, shaking his head. “Watch.”
I look back to the pig and feel lightheaded. Rus is turning back into himself, and he looks psychotically happy.
“I am going to marry that woman,” he says with a sigh, then walks off toward his truck that is still parked on the porch.
“So are we just going to ignore the fact that not only is Wynter a witch, but Rus has some type of magical powers too?” I ask Arsen as he follows Rus.