Page 64 of Wicked Witch
She smiles at him, and I can’t help myself.
“Awww, adorable,” I coo, and Astor kicks me.
I’m about to retaliate when Wynter groans. “Ugh, not in the bed. I am so nauseous.”
Ah, right, the dreaded morning sickness. At least she only has a month of it instead of the usually two to three.
“Where are the crackers we got?” Astor asks, and Wynter shrugs.
“In the other room. I brought the food to the house, but the clothes and such are in your room, honey shakes.”
“Oh, thanks, ummm…”
Looking at the closed bathroom door she sighs. “I better go next door and get ready for today. Can we start on the bedrooms yet?” she asks me, looking into my eyes with so much hope.
I shake my head, and she frowns. “Not yet, pecan tree, but soon.”
Smacking her hands on the bed with a huff, she shakes her head.
“Fine,” she concedes, and I almost feel bad for not just fixing up the whole house, but there’s a reason for it, and soon she will understand.
Today is the day that I have been waiting for. I think Wynter forgot, but it’s okay, I’ll be her groundhog, Phil and remind her.
“Cirrus, what is the rush? Can we really not stop for breakfast? Our child is starving,” she groans, and I shove a pop tart in her mouth.
“I will feed you when we get to the house. Come, we must not be late for our very important date.”
Wynter’s eyes widen and she glances at the twins. “Shit, did I forget something? Is it one of your birthdays?”
Laughing, I grab her hand, magic some shoes on her feet, then tug her out the door and to the truck.
Mavis peeks her head out the office door, and gives me a glare. “Good morning, Wynter, boys,” she calls, then slams the door.
“Do you think she’s mad we never stay for breakfast?” Wynter comments as I open the passenger door, and practically shove her inside.
I would portal us, but I’m not sure if it’s safe for the baby. I’ll have to ask Nan.
“Fuck, Rus, slow down. She’s not some ragdoll to toss around and maneuver how you want,” Sin snaps at me, and I take a deep breath.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just so excited to see our baby.”
I feellike the biggest bitch to ever walk this Earth, and that’s saying something for me.
Cirrus looks so happy, and I can’t believe I forgot about the check up.
“I’m so sorry. I forgot,” I gasp.
“It’s okay, my little wombmaker, I didn’t, but we better get going Nan hates when people are late.”
The boys get in the backseat, and I take note of how much room is actually in this truck. My SUV seats seven, but with three large men and a baby we may need to upgrade.
Pulling out of the motel, I wave at Jordan as we pass the gas station. He has a smile on his face as he talks to that girl he works with… Ugh, I can’t think of her name right now, but she’s not very nice to him.
“So, Wynter, I’ve been meaning to ask. Are you sure it’s a girl, because a little boy would be great too. I’m just saying,” Sin mumbles, and I bite my lip.