Page 68 of Wicked Witch
Huffing, I climb off the stool and stomp outside. Plopping down on the porch swing, I breathe in the fresh air.
Our yard looks better, but I can still sense the evil lingering in certain spots. The Willow tree especially.
Closing my eyes, I picture wildflowers all around us and the scorched circle.
Just because evil once lived here, doesn’t mean we can’t bring some beauty back into this place.
Mumbling a small spell, I smile as the scent of flowers perfumes the air.
Opening my eyes, I take a deeper breath in.
The screen door swings open, but I don’t acknowledge them. I know I’m being irrational, but right now I’m annoyed and just wanted a moment to myself.
“What I meant was… people may be a little surprised if you returned to Texas extremely pregnant, when you weren’t a month and a half ago.”
Ugh. Why does he need to be logical right now?
“Mavis and the people at the diner haven’t said anything?” I point out, turning to look at Sin and Astor.
Cirrus is inside humming a Fae tune about pixies jumping lily pads and a frog taunting them or something.
“People in town aren’t all human. Remember you were the ones to tell us that. They are used to the strange.”
“Let me take care of it. Trust me, okay?” Astor sits next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and I nuzzle into him.
“I still think I should be the one. I have to pack up all my things, but for now, I’ll table this.”
Sitting in the garden,I watch Melisande and her children play. Their laughter rains all around this magical place.
Turning to look at me, she tells her kids to have fun, then glides over to sit beside me.
Taking my hand, I turn to face her. She seems worried.
“Do you think I’ll ever break this curse and bring you peace?” I ask her. Lately I’ve been getting more doubtful.
Frowning, she sighs. “You have incredible power inside of you, but if you leave, you will never break this curse, Wynter. Stay. Heal the land and your heart.”
“Wynter, baby, wake up!”Someone shaking me causes me to open my eyes and realize that it was all a dream.
“Cirrus, why are you in my room?” I mumble, then cover my mouth and yawn.
I distinctly remember going to bed alone. My stomach was in knots about returning to Texas, and I needed some time to think.
Sunlight shines through the small space, and I groan. “What time is it?”
“Close to eight. Figured we’d grab some breakfast at the diner then head to the manor. The guys are already there.”
Nodding, I rub my eyes and throw the blanket off. I’m wearing an old T-shirt I stole from Arsen and panties.
“Or better yet, maybe we should stay here,” Cirrus mutters, and I roll my eyes.
“Typical Fae, always thinking with their cock.”
“Careful, snickerpuss, I have the right to be cocky.”
He adjusts his growing erection and I sigh. He really does have an amazing dick, but we don’t have time right now to rearrange my organs.
My stomach is complaining, and I need food.