Page 9 of Wicked Witch
Pulling out my phone, I check how much longer I have to drive. Ten hours is doable, but my neck is stiff and my hips are killing me.
Might treat myself to a hotel tonight and arrive during the day tomorrow.
That way I’ll have lots of natural light to explore. Some of the fandom sites said that there was no power, but I don’t know how accurate that is.
Using the bathroom once more, I glance around checking no one is around. Magic is unknown to mortals, and I don’t want to be punished if someone witnesses what I’m about to do.
“Ailorna washse,” I mutter quietly and instantly feel cleaner. There’s just something great about a washing spell.
Looking at my reflection I wince at the huge bags under my eyes. They are so big I’m shocked they don’t need their own luggage cart.
“Ugh, just a few more days and maybe we can get some answers.”
Walking back to the car, my phone rings, and I groan. I don’t even need to know who it is. Psychic remember?
Answering, I keep my snark to a minimum. “Yes, Mom?”
“Wynter Sandra Nefari! Is there a reason you didn’t tell me that you were taking a trip halfway around the world?”
God, she can be dramatic at times.
“I am going to upstate NY, Mom, not Timbuktu,” I mutter and dig in my bag for my keys.
Finding them, I unlock the car and climb in.
“You left without letting me or even the coven know, Wynter. That is not how things work.”
“Okay, well, I am following my destiny. I had a vision during the blood moon.”
Cackling fills the phone and I really don't have time for her nonsense. “Yeah it’s hilarious. I’ll text you later if I have a signal.”
Hanging up, I toss my phone in the cup holder and turn the car on. I need food, coffee and gas.
The truck stop is starting to get busy and a tingle runs down my spine, alerting me that someone with nefarious intent is coming.
Not having the time or patience for it, I reverse and get back on the road.
She’s beautiful.Watching her from afar, I wait for her to notice me, but she seems to be in a pissed off mood about something.
No worries, I’ll see her in New York.
There is something about Spells Hollow that’s calling to me as much as her.
After our first kiss, she drew me in, and I’ve been trapped in her web like a willing spider.
I do have my suspicions about why that is, but I won’t speak them out loud until I talk to her first.
If I’m wrong, it will just be a world of embarrassment and though I am no newbie to a scandal, my mother may choose to chop off my head if I bring one more to her door.
Exiting my rental truck, I head for the vending machines. This won’t sate my hunger but it’ll help the gnawing pain in my gut.
I am hungrier than a tadpole on a toadstool.
Looking over the meek selections, I end up choosing a bag of stale chips and a cold brew coffee.
Breakfast for champions right there.