Page 110 of Coerced Kiss
She twists another towel around her hair and walks from the bathroom without a backward glance. Why that bothers me, I have no idea. Maybe it’s the notion of being used. I may as well just be scratching an itch for her. It’s exactly what I’m doing, using her for my selfish needs, but when the roles are reversed, I don’t like the idea. Not one fucking bit.
Instead of Kevin, Sav waits for me when I get off work. He leans on the Corvette with his arms and ankles crossed, looking too hot in a dark tailored suit and a white slim-fitting shirt without a tie. The first two buttons of the shirt are undone, giving a hint of the impressive muscles underneath. His thick black hair is brushed back, and his lighter-than-sky blue eyes are trained on me with an intensity that sends a flush over my skin.
I try to get my blood pressure under control as I cross the street, but the way he follows my progress with unfaltering attention doesn’t help. Neither does the images of last night and this morning that flash through my mind.
We took things too far.
No, notwe.
He gave me a chance out and I didn’t take it. If I wanted to, I could’ve gotten away. He would’ve let me. And what did I do? My cheeks burn when I think about how I displayed my body for him. Then, this morning, I jumped on him like a horny woman.
I am horny. More than usual. But that’s no excuse. I just got carried away. His dirty mouth did things to me. And the spanking… I can’t even put my reaction to that in words. Yet I should know better, especially after the lesson Evan taught me.
I take a deep breath as I get closer, preparing myself to face him.
He straightens when I stop in front of him, studying me with that piercing look that never wavers. “Anya.”
I lift my chin and summon my self-confidence. “Saverio.”
A sexy smile tilts his lips. “So it’s only Sav when our clothes come off.”
So much for controlling my blush. My face flames under his stare.
Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me in for a kiss. It’s a lingering kiss that wakes every nerve ending in my body. It’s just for show, but I can help my reaction as little as I can move out of his house and back into my own place. Not that I have a place any longer.
“Come,” he says, guiding me with an arm around my shoulders to the passenger side.
After helping me inside and securing my seatbelt, he slides behind the wheel with the ease of man who’s used to driving expensive collectable sports cars. He takes a gourmet pasta salad with a fork attached to the inside of a transparent lid from the dashboard and hands it to me.
“Food?” I ask with a frown, accepting the offering.
“So you don’t get hungry.” He starts the engine. “We’re not going straight home.”
My stomach tightens with apprehension. “Where are we going?”
He flashes me a smile. “You’ll see.”
His playful manner puts me at ease. I’m learning to read him. If our destination held something unpleasant for me, he would’ve been broody or serious. Whenever he grins like that, he’s got something non-life-threatening up his sleeve.
To be honest, I am hungry. I open the container and dig in.
The roasted veggies and buckwheat spirals tossed in sun-dried tomato vinaigrette are delicious.
I hum my approval.
“Like it?” he asks, shooting me an amused glance before steering the car into the traffic.