Page 114 of Coerced Kiss
I still at that. “Does Luigi know?”
I pour the coffee when it’s ready. “Are you sure? He didn’t say anything to me.”
“Luigi went to the club last night. He was there to validate the decision when Raphael told the men they’re no longerworking their shifts. I wasn’t present myself, but one of the guys said Luigi went on about how each man should be allowed to work with a team he trusts, and that Raphael will have more chance of succeeding if he works with his own men because they understand each other and how they operate. According to the bouncer I spoke to, Luigi said he would’ve done the same if he were in Raphael’s shoes. If anything, he considered it a sign of a good manager.”
Interesting. “Where are the men reallocated?”
“The smaller clubs.” He pulls his mug closer and lifts it to his mouth. “By the way, whereisAnya?”
I clench my jaw and pick up my mug. “Why do you ask?”
“Don’t look as if you want to bite off my head. I’m just wondering.”
Narrowing my eyes, I ask, “Wondering what?”
“How things are between you.”
“Great,” I say with a bite in my tone. “It was a long week for her. She’s sleeping in this morning.”
He raises a hand. “Okay.”
The subject of our discussion walks through the door, dressed in a long-sleeved red dress that reaches mid-thigh. She matched it with black boots that show off her milky skin and toned legs. Red looks good on her. It brings out the color of her eyes and her hair. I like it. A lot.
Catching Dante staring, I cut him a look that says I’m about to stab out his eyes.
He clears his throat. “Morning, Anya. How are you?”
“Good, thanks.” She smiles in his direction before heading toward the kettle. “You?”
“Just catching up with Sav.”
“Oh.” She stops at the island. “Am I interrupting?”
“No,” Dante and I say simultaneously.
A wanton look comes over her face as she stares at the cup in my hand. Reaching for it, she asks, “May I?”
I hold tight when she tries to take it from me. “What are you doing?”
When she insists, I don’t have a choice but to let go lest I spill the piping hot coffee over her hand.
Lifting the mug to her nose, she inhales deeply. “Mm, this smells so good.”
Dante frowns.
Trust me to be an inconsiderate idiot. I shouldn’t brew coffee in the house when I know damn well caffeine is on her red list.
My question is sympathetic. “Can I make you a cup of herbal tea?”
Dante chuckles. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those health fanatics with hang-ups about caffeine and sugar and every fucking thing that tastes good.”
Remembering what the coach said last night about the baby already discerning voices and words in the mother’s womb from as early as sixteen weeks, I lean over the counter and slap Dante upside the head. “No swearing in front of Anya.”
He rubs his head. “Have you lost your f—” Correcting himself, he continues, “Have you lost your mind?”
Anya shoots me a look. “Saverio likes to be over-protective.”