Page 62 of Coerced Kiss
“Hours?” She scoffs. “Is that how you do shopping?”
“Isn’t that how all women do shopping?”
“Only women with money,” she mumbles under her breath, not bothering to hide the judgement in her voice.
“You certainly don’t behave like the women I know. Anyone else would’ve been on this in a blink. Don’t you like new clothes and cupboards full of shoes?”
Her back goes stiff. “Whatever you got will do.”
She’s hardheaded and feisty. We’re going to knock heads going forward, but I can’t say I’m not thrilled about the challenge.
“Maybe,” I say. “But I’d still like to hear your opinion.”
“If you insist,” she says with snide.
I wave an arm, motioning her inside. “I do.”
She moves forward with stilted steps, studying the side of the room where my suits and shirts are organized by color before turning her attention to the new clothes on the opposite side.
I cross my arms and lean a shoulder on the door frame, watching her as she inspects the space. It’s something I enjoy—watching her. As I discovered during the past week, I like to observe her to the point of branding myself as a stalker. I revel in the knowledge that the beautiful woman I’m keeping on an invisible leash belongs to me. My own little treasure.
She trails a hand over the evening dresses that hang in the closet and lifts the price tag on a pair of designer jeans.
Her gaze snaps to mine. “This is maternity wear.”
“I got clothes for now and later.”
She scrutinizes me. “How long are you planning on keeping me here?”
I shrug. “As long as it takes. The investigation isn’t likely to be closed in a few short months.”
“Months?” she asks, her gasp breathless. “Do you expect me to live here and sleep in your bed formonths?”
“Think of it like this. You won’t have to worry about the bills while you’re here. That includes all medical expenses.”
The color returns to her cheeks, red blotches marring her skin. Not earning enough to take care of her mother and herself is obviously a sore point for her.
She clenches her jaw. “Are you buying me off? Is that what this is? Payment for lying for you?”
My statement is blunt. “I don’t need to buy you off.” We both know how easy it will be for me to snap her neck if she doesn’t cooperate. “You’ll be living under my roof. It’ll be my duty to provide for you.”
“Just because I’ll be living here?” she asks, sounding incredulous.
“I take responsibility for the people under my care.”
“This is different. Our relationship isn’t real. We’re nothing to each other. You don’t owe me anything.”
“This is no different than an arranged marriage. Why would I treat you differently than a wife I would’ve gained from a business deal? I would’ve taken her under my protection and cared for her, as would’ve been my obligation. I’ll treat you no less.”
Shock reflects in the stunning golden hue of her eyes. “For how long are you going to put up this show, Sav?”
At the sound of my name on her lips, something warm unfurls in my stomach. “I already told you, for however long it takes.”
“What about my baby?”
“You and your baby will be safe here. I’ll protect you.”
“That’s not what I meant.” She crosses the floor and stops in front of me. “I can’t stay here after the birth.Imay not have a choice, but I won’t make my child your hostage too.”