Page 65 of Coerced Kiss
Saverio steps back into the house and shuts the door. He’s donned a mask, not showing me anything, but the tense set of his shoulders tells me everything.
“That man,” I say. “I know who he is.”
“That man is Luigi Bianchi,” Saverio says as he stalks up the stairs. “You’ll stay far away from him, understand?”
I swallow and crane my neck to look at him as he stops in front of me. “Because he wants me dead?”
His jaw bunches. “I told you I’d keep you safe.”
“He’s a mafia boss.” At the flare of his eyes, I say, “Yes, I did my homework. That means you work for him, and if you work for him, you have to do as he says.”
He advances, forcing me a step back. “I’m not going to let anyone touch you.”
“I’m not stupid,” I say through dry lips. “As long as I’m a witness, I’m a threat.”
“That’s why it’s vital that you do exactly as I say.” He takes another two steps, backing me up against the wall. “You’restrong-willed and stubborn, but you’re going to have to learn to obey me.”
“I trust no one but myself,” I say, flattening my back against the wood panel to put space between us.
“You’re no match for these men. You don’t stand a chance. I’m your only hope. When I tell you to do something, you’re going to do so without arguing or questioning me. You’re going to learn to trust me, because I’m the only one who can keep you safe.”
The sound of that rings both true and ominous. I can’t put my life in the hands of a killer, but without his protection, I’m dead anyway. I saw who Luigi is. I saw what he does to people.
“He’s yourboss,” I say, trembling in the comfortable temperature of the house. “He calls the shots.”
“I know how to handle him.”
I jump when Saverio puts a hand on my shoulder.
“This,” he says, looking at where he’s tightening his fingers on my flesh, “can’t happen. You can’t be jittery around me or jump out of your skin every time I touch you. That’ll be a dead giveaway that we don’t share an intimate relationship.”
“I can’t help it,” I whisper.
“You’ll get used to it. Start by being conscious of your reactions. Anyone looking on has to believe that you can’t get enough of my hands on your body.” His voice drops an octave. “Behave like a woman in love, and think of me as the only man in the world for you.”
“How am I supposed to manage that?”
His lips quirk. “Is it that hard to imagine? I’m not as repulsive as that. Women are attracted to me. I know the effect I have on them.” His gaze moves to my lower body as he adds, “You’re not entirely immune either.”
My face heats with shame. “This may be difficult for you to hear because it will make a dent in that inflated ego of yours, but I’m not attracted to your type.”
“No?” He leans closer, bracing a hand on the wall next to my face. “What is your type?” His mouth twists with disdain. “Justice Kearney?”
How dare he use that against me after he forced me to tell him something that’s still painful for me? Evan was a mistake I’m not proud about.
Clenching my teeth, I say, “I regret telling you that,” before I twist away from his unsettling proximity and flee down the hallway with no idea where I’m going.
“Anya.” He grabs my arm, breaking my stride, and spins me around. “I didn’t mean to rub that in.”
“Didn’t you?” I ask with flaring nostrils, staring up at his angry features. “Then how did you mean it? You’re no different than him. Evan gave me a shoulder to cry on. I told him about my mom, which was difficult for me, and he used it against me to accuse me of being just like her by trying to trap him by falling pregnant. If you tried to prove that you’ll use anything I divulge against me, you succeeded.” My smile is sarcastic. “Rest assured, that’s the first and only piece of personal information you’ll get from me.”
His rage is so fierce it looks as if a demonic light burns in his eyes. “Do not fucking compare me to him.”
“Then don’t behave like him,” I say, my voice cold.