Page 19 of Light Me Up
He hesitated for a moment before he replied. “I’m not sure how to say this,” he said. “But you would never scare me. You’d never freak me out with your visions. I wish I could see them myself. If you reallywant to know.”
“You can’t. Mine-mine-mine,” she teased. But she was touched.
“I’m in awe of your beautiful secret superpower,” Noah went on. “Fascinated by it. Don’t ever try to hide it from me.”
She swallowed over a sudden lumpin her throat.
Noah always seemed to know what she needed to hear before she even knew she was hungering for it. She’d been craving those words since she was a teenager. To be wanted, loved, desired, not in spite of who and what she truly was—butbecause of it.
The fog in her eyes almost overflowed into tears. She brushed it away.
“I’m really confused,” she said. “I didn’t get the feeling you were having a good enough time here to want to stay in Italy. I was actually thinking that maybe we should call it quitsand head home.”
“I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet,” he said. “I know I’m fucking things up between us by being so tense. I don’t want that for us.”
“You’re not,” she assured him. “Please don’t think that way.”
“It’s just a feeling that I can’t shake,” he said. “That something is dogging us. Maybe I’m imagining it, but that’s worse, you know? If it’s outside my head, I can chase it down and beat it to death. But inside…” Heshook his head.
“Nothing is fucked up,” she said. “It’s wonderful here. You’re wonderful. I just want you to be able to enjoy it more. I want you to…to suffer less. That’s all.”
“I try.” His voice was stark. “Every day.”
She put her hand over his. “That’s more than enough.”
His fingers tightened over hers, and her perceptions seamlessly shifted with the contact. The air between them charged with energy, emotion.
She was so conscious of the power of his big, scarred body. The blast force of his intense personality. Together, it was almost too much to take. But paradoxically, she loved it. It lit her uplike a bonfire.
Noah slid off his chair. Tossed his towel away and sank down on his knees in front of her. He put both of his big, warm hands on her knees.
The slippery silk of her robe opened more at the touch of his hand, sliding wide open to either side of her naked body. Leaving just the silken tie loosely knotted over her belly, the long ends dangling down between her legs. It wasn’t the first time he’d played with the ties of her extensive collection of silk, satin, and lace boudoir robes. Noah’s erotic imagination knew no bounds. He loved to push her to places she’d never been, or even dreamed that she might want to go.
But she’d go anywhere with Noah. With him, all roads led to explosive erotic bliss.
He looked her over, that urgent heat in his eyes. His cock jutted out, thick and stiff and reddened. He stroked his hands down the tops of her thighs. Shivers rippled deliciously down her legs with each caress.
His relentless patience was so seductive. He just petted her, kissed and stroked and smoldered at her until that hot ache of anticipation down low in her body made her squirming and damp and desperate. Wild for more of him.
She scooted forward a little before she knew what she was doing. Thighs widening of their own accord. Showinghim everything.
He stroked the two silk ties down over her labia, then pulled them tight. Just a little pressure on her sensitive folds. Rubbing delicately against her clit. Her breath shuddered in her chest.
He put a fingertip between the silk ties, and stroked her pussy lips, very lightly. Up and down…and up and down. Barely touchingher damp slit.
She spread her legs wider, her breath catching. “Noah,”she whispered.
Noah increased the pressure of the strips of silk. “You like that?”
“You’re driving me nuts.”
“Absolutely.” He traced his fingertip along her slick folds. Up…down. Then sliding delicately inside. A shudder rippled through her body, and Noah stopped. He drew his finger out and licked it. “Oh yeah,” he muttered. “I needto taste you.”
She dragged in a shaky breath. “Go for it.”
He arranged the silk ties so that the folds of her labia poked through them, shiny and glistening with her intense arousal. She clenched around his slowly thrusting, caressing fingers,breathing hard.
“You’re so hot.” His rumbling voice vibrated through her, making her whimper and squirm. “Like a sexy flower. Beautiful.”