Page 1 of Taking a King
Chapter One
My phone buzzes with an incoming text making me set aside the shirt I’m folding to check it. I smile when I see who it’s from.
Can’t wait to see you.
Me either. Four more days.
I smile again and go back to packing my belongings. I feel a little guilty lying to Claire, even if it’s for a good reason. I picture the look of surprise on her face when I show up early. She’ll forgive me for my tiny white lie. I’ve been deployed here for the past 10 months. It’s not my first time being sent overseas, but it’s the first time I have someone waiting for me to get back. It’s the first time I’ve had someone I look forward to seeing when I get back. I’m a little nervous to see how things go between the two of us without half a world of distance between us. I’ve never had a long-distance relationship before. This is new territory for both of us.
Then there’s the matter of her brothers. One brother, in particular, has me more than a little concerned. Ronan. He and I went through a lot together, back when he was still active duty. We don’t get to see one another as often as we might like, but we’ve kept in touch over the years. I still consider him one of my closest friends. I know that if I needed anything, he’d be there and vice versa. I don’t know how he’s going to react to seeing me with his little sister. Claire said she’d talk to him about it before I get back. I just hope he takes it well. It feels a little cowardly letting her deal with it alone, but she’d assured me that she knew how best to handle Ronan and that the news would be best coming from her. I just have to trust that she’s right. And that he doesn’t want to kick my ass when I get there.
“Hey, Young. You got one foot out the door already?”
I look up to see Kincaid, one of the guys from my unit standing there, grinning at me. I smile back. “I’ve been ready to leave this place since I got here,” I say.
Kincaid’s smile widens. “You got that right. Same here.”
My phone buzzes again and I hold up a finger to Kincaid, signaling that I need a minute. He gives me a wave and keeps walking. It’s Claire again.
Counting down the minutes.
I grin and type out a quick message before going back to packing. I can’t wait to see the look on Claire’s face when she sees me for the first time in 2 years. It’s also the first time we’ll see each other since we became more than friends. Granted, our relationship is still long distance. This will be our first real interaction as a couple. Most of our interactions have been limited to phone calls, emails and the rare times we can video chat. While I’ve loved seeing her through the computer screen, I can’t deny how excited I am to see her in person soon. I just have to wait two more days and I’ll be flying home.
Chapter Two
“You’re not drinking?”
Quinn shakes her head, keeping her eyes on her water glass. We’re seated at a booth at Mack’s. the restaurant/bar owned by my twin brothers. Quinn and Hannah sit across from me. Hope went to get us a round of drinks and probably to flirt with my brother. It’s definitely taking her longer than it should to come back with those drinks. I peek at my phone, but there’s no new notification.
“But it’s girl’s night,” Hannah says, pulling me back to the conversation. “And we have your fiancé as our DD.”
Quinn shrugs, still not meeting anyone’s gaze. “I’m just not feeling it. I’m kind of tired tonight.”
Hannah nods, still studying Quinn. “Right,” she says, drawing out the word. “Tired. I see.”
Quinn squirms a bit under Hannah’s gaze and all at once the obvious truth hits me. My mouth drops open just as Hannah lets out a shocked gasp.
“You bitch,” she says. “When were you going to tell me?”
Quinn covers her face in her hands. “I only just found out today,” she says, her voice muffled behind her hands. “I haven’t even told Ronan yet.”
Hannah’s smile stretches wide across her face, and she pulls Quinn to her in a hug. She lets out a loud squeal of excitement. “I’m so happy for you!”
Quinn shoves Hannah away from her, but she’s laughing. Hope arrives with the drinks, setting them down with a flourish. She looks around at each of us, her expression growing more confused.
“What did I miss?”
I smile up at her. “I’m going to be an aunt again,” I say.
Hope’s eyes widen and her eyes shoot over to Hannah. “Pregnant before the wedding? I am shocked!” She laughs as she slides into the booth next to me.
“Not me,” Hannah says, pointing at Quinn.
Hope’s gaze goes to Quinn, eyes wide. “Does Ronan know yet?”