Page 15 of Taking a King
“After that, everything changed,” I say. “Garrett started being sweeter. Flirty.” I smile. “Making these little comments that told me he was interested in more than just friendship.” I shrug. “It all felt natural. It just evolved. There wasn’t some big discussion. At least, not then. We just both seemed to have this understanding. Eventually, we started making plans for when he came back. We counted down the days together.” I make a face. “And then they extended his deployment by another 4 months.”
Quinn’s mouth drops open. “Dicks.”
I let out a little laugh. “Garrett had even worse things to say about them. He called me that night, totally pissed off. It took me forever to get him to calm down and convince him that a few more months weren’t going to change anything between us.”
Hannah leans forward across the table. “Is that when you asked for the dick pic?”
The other three women burst into loud laughter while I blush bright red, yet again. “No!” I shout, forgetting where I am. When people from neighboring tables shoot us strange looks, I swat at Hannah. “No,” I repeat, this time in a lower voice. “We just talked. And maybe we sent some detailed texts.”
Hope’s mouth drops open in shock while Quinn and Hannah both wear matching looks of excitement.
“Oh, my god,” Quinn says. “You naughty girl. You sexted him, didn’t you?”
I study the surface of the table. “Maybe,” I mutter.
Quinn slaps the table. “Hell yeah!”
“Get it, girl!” Hannah shouts, making all of us laugh.
I shake my head. “You’re all a bunch of freaks.”
Hannah just shrugs and eats another fry. “I haven’t had any complaints.”
“I’m going to ignore that comment,” I say.
“Okay, wait,” Hope says. “How long ago was that?”
I think back. “Like, 4 months.”
Her eyes narrow. “So, you’ve basically been serious with your long-distance boyfriend who just happens to be your brother’s best friend for 4 months and you didn’t think you should mention it to him?”
I sigh, feeling the guilt wash over me. “I know,” I say. “It was wrong. But I didn’t know how to tell him. Ronan and I have always been close. Since we were kids. I didn’t want to let him down. I didn’t want to disappoint him somehow. I also didn’t want him to get pissed at Garrett. Especially when Garrett was still in a dangerous place over there. I didn’t want him to be distracted. I thought I’d have more time.”
I look up to see all three women giving me similar looks. I sigh. “Fine,” I say. “I was stalling. I didn’t want to tell everyone just yet. I don’t know. Does it matter now? I think that ship has sailed.”
“It matters to your brother,” Quinn says quietly. Her tone and her words make me feel like the worst sister ever.
“I know,” I say. “But I’m going to fix it. I’m going to talk to him tonight.” I look at Hope and Hannah. “I’m going to talk to all of my brothers.”
“Good,” Quinn says with a decisive nod. “Because I want to hear all about what you did last night after you left Mack’s.”
“Every detail,” Hannah agrees.
I roll my eyes toward the ceiling. “You’re all freaks.”
Chapter Eight
It takes some convincing, but I manage to talk Garrett into staying at my place when I go to Mack’s for the weekly King family dinner. He’d wanted to come with me. Eventually, he’d given in and agreed to wait at my apartment for me to come home so long as I agreed to call him if things went badly. I promised him I would, but I think we both know I won’t.
Van is the only one there when I arrive at Mack’s. I worry things will be awkward between us after last night’s scene, but he gives me a wide smile and hands me a short glass of amber liquid with a wink.
“Bourbon,” he says. “Liquid courage.”
I take the glass and smile back. “Thanks.” I take a small sip, letting the smoky bourbon warm me. “I take it you’re not mad at me?”
Van sighs. “Claire, you’re an adult.” He shakes his head. “You have to make your own choices. I get that. Ronan does too. He’s just more stubborn about it. He’s always been closer to you than to the rest of us. And I think he still wants to think of you as his baby sister, even though you’re not a child anymore. Give him time.”