Page 19 of Taking a King
Wyatt grins. “Close your mouth before a fly makes its home in there.”
“Ew,” Hope says. “You know I hate that saying.”
Wyatt just shrugs. “I think it’s fitting.”
Liam giggles and it’s as if the sound snaps me back into the present. Okay. I can do this. I hadn’t started the night intending to introduce Garrett to the entire family as my boyfriend. But it looks like that’s what’s happening. I feel his fingers twine through mine, squeezing lightly. It’s a show of support. I glance back at him and give him a little smile.
“Everyone, this is Garrett Young,” I say, leading him toward the table. “Finn, you know,” I say gesturing toward my eldest brother. “That’s his fiancé Hannah.”
Hannah smiles warmly. “It’s nice to officially meet you,” she says.
I go around the table and introduce Garrett to everyone else. Van walks over and shakes Garrett’s hand, surprising me.
“Nice to meet you,” Van says. “I’ve heard stories over the years.”
Garrett grins. “Highly exaggerated, I’m sure.”
“I heard you saved my brother’s life,” Wyatt says as we take our seats.
Garrett waves a hand. “He saved mine a couple times too. We’re even.”
“Regardless,” Finn says. “Thank you. For making sure he came home in one piece.”
“Mostly,” Ronan says.
Garrett dips his head once, but doesn’t say anything else. I know Ronan doesn’t like to talk about his time in the military. Garrett is a little less reserved, but I know neither of them wants to discuss the roadside bomb that killed two of their friends and nearly killed them as well. If thinking about it makes me uncomfortable, I can’t imagine how they feel. I squeeze Garrett’s hand under the table.
“I’m glad you could make it tonight,” Quinn says in a bright voice. She’s clearly trying to dispel the somber mood. I shoot her a grateful smile.
“Me too,” Garrett says with a smile. “I appreciate you speaking up for me with your future husband.”
I shoot Quinn a questioning look that she ignores. She waves away Garrett’s thanks. “It was nothing.”
“I didn’t get a chance to congratulate the two of you last night,” Garrett says. “You must be excited.”
Ronan’s face relaxes for the first time tonight and he turns to gaze adoringly at Quinn. I never realized how unhappy he was before she came along. Perhaps unhappy isn’t the right word. He’d been haunted and distant. Quinn somehow brings out the Ronan I remember from before his injury. I’ll forever be grateful to her for that. And now it seems I have more to thank her for. She must have spoken to Ronan on my behalf. That’s why he seems to be more relaxed tonight about me and Garrett.
“Thanks, man,” Ronan says, pulling me out of my musings.
“It’s good to see you settled and happy,” Garrett says. “And I think you’re going to be a great dad.”
“Who’s gonna be a dad?”
All eyes turn to the little boy seated beside me, busily slurping up the last of his stew. The table goes silent for several seconds. I’m not sure if Quinn’s pregnancy is supposed to be kept secret from Liam, but it seems pretty clear that it’s not going to stay that way for long. He’s far too perceptive. I make a show of peering into Liam’s nearly empty bowl.
“Holy guacamole!” I gasp. “You’re beating me!”
Liam shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I told you. I’m a growing boy.” His eyes narrow and he looks around at the other adults seated around the table. “Who’s gonna be a dad?”
So much for trying to distract him. It seems he’s not falling for the same trick twice. I risk a look at Quinn and give a tiny shrug. Quinn looks at Hannah, but she’s not getting help from that avenue. Hannah just gestures with a hand as if to say, “your call.” Quinn takes a breath and clears her throat.
“Uncle Ronan is going to be a dad,” she finally says.
Liam shifts his gaze from Quinn over to Ronan. “Really?”
Ronan nods. “Yep.”
“Cool,” Liam says. “I hope it’s a boy. Girls are boring.”