Page 53 of Teasing a King
Luke puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to him in a one-armed hug. In the past, I might have shied away from such contact. I’ve always managed to keep my distance from my half-brother. Luke has always been the one reaching for me while I’ve kept him at arm’s length. I’d grown so used to being on my own that I didn’t know how to be a sister. I didn’t know how to be part of a family. Being with Van and spending time with the rest of the King family these past weeks has shown me that it’s not so bad. It’s not so hard to let someone in.
“You’re going to be amazing,” he whispers, planting a kiss on the top of my head.
I feel oddly close to tears as I put my arm around Luke’s waist and return the hug. “Thank you,” I whisper.
“For what?” Luke asks.
“Caring enough to worry about me,” I say. “Coming all this way to check on me.”
“That’s what big brothers are for,” he says as we step back from one another. He looks down at me, eyes narrowed. “Whether you want one or not.”
“I do want one,” I say, realizing as I say it that it’s true. It’s not just an automatic response to placate him. I want my big brother in my life. For the first time, I realize that looking at him doesn’t remind me of my parents and their choices. I just see a person who loves me. Family. It’s not something I thought I needed before I came to Oak Hill. Until I became a part of the King family. Luke smiles down at me as if understanding all the things I can’t say.
He looks beyond me to the restaurant. As if reading my mind, he says, “That’s a big family in there.”
I smile and nod. “They’re pretty great,” I say. “Do you want to meet them?”
Luke grins. “I’ve already met the lovely Hannah,” he says with a wink.
“She’s married, you know?” I say, my voice full of reproach.
Luke shrugs. “Ah, well. You win some, you lose some. Introduce me to my niece or nephew’s other, less cool uncles.”
I laugh as I lead him back inside. “Behave,” I mutter.
“I always behave,” Luke lies.
All eyes turn to us as we reenter the dining room. My gaze goes to Van first and I give him a reassuring smile.
“Everyone,” I say, still smiling. “I’d like you all to meet my brother, Luke Wolfe. Luke, this is everyone.”
Finn’s glare has softened a bit, but he still doesn’t look happy to see Luke. There’s clearly a story there, but I don’t know it. And no one is volunteering to tell it. I make a mental note to ask Hannah about it the first chance I get. Van is the first person to break the awkward silence. He walks over to where I’m standing with Luke and holds out a hand.
“I’m Donovan King,” he says. “Everyone calls me Van, though.”
Luke doesn’t smile or reach out to shake Van’s hand. Instead, he lifts one eyebrow and looks down his nose at Van. Which is difficult, considering Van is an inch taller than Luke.
“You’re the guy who knocked up my sister?”
My mouth drops open and I smack Luke in the belly. “I said behave,” I say through gritted teeth.
Luke rubs the spot where I hit him as if I hurt him. “I didn’t say how I would behave,” he says, smiling. Then he turns back to Van and puts his hand out. “I’m kidding,” he says. “Couldn’t resist.”
Van shakes Luke’s hand but doesn’t look very amused. “Nice to meet you,” he says in a flat voice.
Luke sighs. “Seriously,” he says. “No hard feelings. It’s the first time I’ve been able to play the protective big brother card. I had to do it. Congratulations.”
Van’s expression softens just a bit, but I can tell he still doesn’t know what to make of Luke’s teasing. As if this introduction needed any more help being awkward.
Claire walks up beside Van and rolls her eyes. “Ignore him,” she says. “These four have been playing the protective big brother card for far too long. They should recognize it when they see it.” She puts a hand out.
“I’m Claire King,” she says with a smile.
Luke shakes her hand, and she introduces him to Garrett next. The others make their way over and introduce themselves to my brother. Hannah is one of the last to walk over, Finn in tow. He looks like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“Miss Travis,” Luke says, smiling at Hannah.
“Mrs. King,” Hannah corrects him. “You’ve met my husband before, remember?”