Page 26 of Cage
In fact, it actually seemed weird.
Why wouldn’t the landlord want to see his tenants happy and safe? Surely this was the best way to guarantee rent was paid regularly and on time too.
The whole situation was wrong.
‘Sir, we’re coming up with nothing but blanks here,’ the lead forensics officer said. ‘I know that’s not the answer you want to hear.’
‘No, it’s fine, thank you for your efforts,’ Cage replied. ‘We have to play the hand we’re dealt. If that means no evidence, then it means we’ll solve the case another way.’
Cage was nothing if not determined.
He had been working cases for long enough to know that there would always be a few curve balls thrown in.
No case was the same.
It never was.
Although that didn’t stop the same problems raising their heads.
A meeting with the building supervisor confirmed that there was no CCTV footage available.
This was a blow.
The lack of forensics was one thing but having not a single shred of visual evidence as to who had been coming and going was hard to stomach.
Maybe the landlord actually had a decent point?
That this was the kind of run-down, budget building that really didn’t have anything by the way of effective security. It would explain how the perpetrator got in and out without being detected.
There was something here that Cage was missing.
He could sense it.
But what?
Before Cage could dwell on it for too long, Katie walked around the corner.
‘Hey, Katie, how are you?’ Cage asked, trying to sound as sensitive as his voice would allow. ‘I understand this must be a tough moment for you.’
Katie was visible shaken by the experience.
It was totally understandable.
Katie’s eyes looked red from crying. Her perfectly clear skin looked a little blotchy from tears too. It was almost heartbreaking to see.
Less than twenty-four hours ago, Cage had walked in on Katie acting out a play with her stuffies and her friend.
Katie had looked so full of life then.
But that was before her privacy was violated for a second time.
It would take a harsh toll on anyone, but the danger wasn’t just psychological.
It was physical.
Cage was fearful for Katie’s safety. Living alone was no place for a vulnerable Little in a situation like this.