Page 4 of Cage
Sometimes, the tips could be great.
If the extra money meant that she could afford a trip to the movies that was super.
Or even better treat her friends to a super-sized milkshake with all the sprinkles.
All said, Katie was happy enough to flash her smile and show a little more of her body if it made life outside the apartment more fun.
Katie looked at herself in the mirror.
Her see-through bra allowed her to show off her petit, smooth torso. The panties left even less to the imagination too, perfectly showing off her peachy butt.
Just as Katie was about to log onto the cam server, she heard a noise.
The creaking of her apartment door.
Huh, what the hell?
Katie turned around and saw that it was her landlord. She immediately blushed and attempted to cover herself up a little by grabbing a pillow from the couch.
‘I’m here to fix the aircon,’ the landlord said, his eyes wandering all over Katie, desperate to thirstily drink in the view. ‘Unless you’re too busy?’
Katie felt so uncomfortable.
The landlord was a slimy guy at the best of times, but this was something else altogether.
Katie’s landlord was very much not someone who she wanted to spend a second longer with than she absolutely had to.
But on the other hand, Katie desperately needed the aircon to work again. It was summer. The heat and humidity weren’t going to go anywhere. This was a problem that needed sorting out as soon as possible.
‘N-n-n-n-no, it’s fine,’ Katie said, edging back towards the kitchen area as the landlord walked behind her and over toward the aircon unit. ‘T-t-t-thank you for coming. It’s been broken for a while.’
Katie felt nervous.
The landlord reminded Katie a little bit of her old Daddy. It was clear that he had no interest in Katie as a person. All he did was see a sexual object who also happened to be his tenant.
‘This is an old unit, but this fix should keep it going,’ the landlord said, his voice distracted as he worked a screwdriverhard inside the white plastic casing. ‘Oh, and while I’m here, I have some news.’
‘Oh, okay…’ Katie said, her heartrate increasing.
‘Yeah, rent’s going up,’ the landlord said, not showing a single shred of emotion or empathy. ‘Has to be done. That’s just the way things are going all over the city. Us poor landlords are facing increased costs across the board. Like, you know, having to fix appliances in our properties?’
OMG, is he trying to make a joke?
What an asshole.
Urgh. Why do I have to have him in my life?
Katie couldn’t quite believe that the landlord was being so flippant. But her irritation at that aside, Katie immediately began to panic.
How the hell was she going to be able to cope with a rent increase?
After all, the current rent was pushing her to her limits.
She could barely afford it.
A single cent more and Katie knew she was in real danger of losing the apartment.
The landlord’s visit was going from bad to worse. He was a slimy piece of crap who was now telling Katie that her rent was going up. One more piece of bad news and Katie might just have lost her cool.