Page 43 of Cage
The only question was what surprises would the coming days bring?
Chapter 10
The night shift had been tough.
Plenty going on, as always.
Even the mid-shift tradition of one of the junior cops heading out to buy some sweet and savory snacks wasn’t as satisfyingly delicious as normal.
Put simply, it was just too hot to eat.
Although plenty of new cases were coming in, Cage still very much had his eye on Katie’s case.
So far, no joy.
With the total lack of evidence available, it was hard to see how the hell they could make any kind of tangible breakthrough.
This was frustrating for Cage.
Extremely frustrating in fact.
There was nothing that bothered him more than a case that simply had no leads attached to it. If he had something – anything at all – he could work with, that would be a start.
But so far, nothing.
Nothing at all.
Cage had even returned to Katie’s apartment building to try and see if there were any other cleaners or even residents he could speak to.
Another total strike-out.
Somewhere, the perpetrator of the crime was still out there.
The thought of this crime going unpunished hurt Cage.
Someone as kindhearted and innocent as Katie didn’t deserve this to happen to them. No one did, in truth. But given Cage’s relationship with Katie, it was perhaps understandable that it irked him even more.
As the shift carried on, it was a case of alternating cold glasses of water with coffee.
Despite the oppressive heat, Cage had downed coffee after coffee, the caffeine eventually wearing off as his shift drew to a close.
‘Okay, I’m out,’ Cage said, waving to the detective replacing him. ‘Have a good one.’
‘You too, Cage,’ the new detective replied, already weary looking and only seconds into his shift.
Police work could be hard going.
But if Cage really was a Savior Daddy, then he just had to get on with it. Which he did.
Police work was his passion.
But that wasn’t to say that he couldn’t also feel a sense of relief when a particularly tough day was over.
As Cage walked home, he felt something that he hadn’t experienced in a very long time.
He actually wanted to get home.