Page 57 of Cage
‘I can feel your Daddy cock pressing up against me,’ Katie said. ‘It feels… massive!’
‘Enough!’ Cage bellowed. ‘Enough sass. You need to be taught a lesson, Little!’
With that, Cage rolled Katie off his lap.
Towering over her, and with the snake-like outline of his dick hugely prominent at the front of his pants, Cage was in no mood for messing around.
It was time to take Katie’s discipline to the next level.
Chapter 13
I can’t believe how hot he looks.
Standing over me.
I feel so helpless, at his mercy…
There was no disputing how aroused Katie felt.
It had been a great morning. From the initial feeling of wholesomeness waking up next to Cage to the surprise of Cage taking the morning off work.
And things had only got better from there too.
Katie had enjoyed her breakfast and then the coloring and drawing session that had followed.
It hadn’t taken much, but for the first time in a long time Katie had found herself in her Little Space.
Her mind was perfectly contented.
At peace.
Totally happy and just going with the flow.
It was like a dream.
And then to see Cage getting involved in her playtime too. It had been the definition of perfection. Katie knew it wasn’t easy for Cage to play with stuffies. But the way Cage made the effort and gradually got into it was brilliant.
It made Katie feel ever so grateful for having found Cage.
Even if it was in such terrible circumstances.
Talk about a silver lining.
Of course, the way the situation had developed was pretty lovely too.
Suddenly, Katie had found herself being spanked and then rolled onto the floor.
Her entire body felt alive - especially her wet-through pussy and throbbing clit.
Cage’s dick was thumpingly hard. Katie could tell that her Daddy was clearly very much in the mood.
Katie was in awe of Cage’s physicality. There was something so arousing about his testosterone fueled masculinity.
It made Katie feel so submissive.
Exactly how she liked to feel.