Page 8 of Cage
The added heat just made people take risks. Act out of character. Let their demons take charge and override their good sense…
This meant more work for cops.
Of course, it could have been different.
Rather than spending his days in the pit with the rest of the working detectives, Cage could have been in upper management.
All of his early career success had seen him marked out as a potential leader in the force. The higher-ups had offered him promotion after promotion.
But Cage had turned them down.
Each and every time.
Cage had never wanted to live a cushy office-based life. Sure, he would have been earning a much higher salary. And it would be a job with way fewer personal risks or threats to his life.
But that wasn’t why Cage had signed up.
He wanted to do proper police work.
On the street level.
Catching and putting the bad guys away.
Speaking of bosses…
‘Jenson! In my office, now!’ Sergeant Mase bellowed.
Cage got up from his desk and took the short walk over to Sergeant Mase’s office.
‘Yes, Sir,’ Cage said, taking a seat.
Cage had been in this position before. He could sense when he was about to take two full barrels of anger from his boss.
‘You’re too damned slow!’ Mase shouted, pacing up and down. ‘I’ve got targets to meet. And the time you spend on even the most basic of open and shut cases is getting out of hand.’
‘I’m being thorough is all,’ Cage replied, trying not to sound annoyed. ‘Each case has to be concluded properly. The public must trust us and know we’re doing our best for them.’
‘All the same, the amount of time you’re taking is fuckingbananas,’ Mase continued. ‘You have to speed that ass up. I’m not far off retirement and I’ll be damned if you push me into an early grave. Not every case needs the full Cage Jenson investigation. Just get your work done. Process it. Move on. It’s not hard.’
‘Sir, I appreciate what you’re saying,’ Cage countered, trying to sound as respectful as he could. ‘But I need to disagree. I will give my best to every single case. It’s the only way I know how to be a good detective.’
Mase rolled his eyes.
Standing with his hands on his hips, the frustration in Sergeant Mase’s face was evident. He could be very grouchy and blunt himself. He was known for it. But beneath it all, there was definitely a good cop there. Maybe even a little heart of gold too.
‘Listen, Cage. We go way back,’ Mase said, taking a seat. ‘I know you struggled after what happened with Nicki. It was tough. I’ve been there. I know how it feels. Trust me. But I’m speaking to you as a friend. Your work hasn’t been as good since that day. It’s not just the speed you’re working at. You just don’t have that same focus. Help me out here, man.’
Cage could feel himself getting annoyed.
He didn’t like how Mase was speaking.
The implication that he wasn’t a good cop stung Cage.
It stung him bad.
But Mase wasn’t finished yet.
‘I think you should consider taking some time off,’ Mase said, his voice serious and measured. ‘Take a step back for a minute. See how that feels.’