Page 15 of Fractured Fear
At that moment, my phone goes off and breaks the bubble Rio and I had unwittingly erected. I normally have my phone on silent while I’m in the studio, but I guess I forgot to turn it off. We have a landline here for any work calls, so I know this notification isn’t work related.
I know. I’m ancient.
I wipe my hands off, pull out my phone, and freeze. There’s a ringing in my ears and everything around me fades away as I read the text.
Unknown: Remember. You’re mine. If you let another man touch you, you’ll regret it. I fucking swear, Flower, you better not.
Flower. That name.Healways called me that.
After the first time he yelled in my face, he bought me a bouquet of flowers and begged me to forgive him. I gave in easily because he seemed so sincere and genuinely remorseful, but the next day the flowers were cut up and scattered all over my apartment for me to clean up. That’s how it happened every time after that. We would argue, he would buy me flowers, and they would all be ripped to shreds the next day.
He’s coming for me isn’t he? Just when I feel like I’m actually making progress. Am I going to have to pack up and leave? Will I have to sell everything and run? Where would I even go? I don’t think I can start over again. I’ll never find another Alma or Iris or Paul or Hayes. To keep myself safe I would have to leave, wouldn’t I?
My mind wanders to the duffle I have ready to go at the bottom of my closet. I could leave if and when I need to, but that would mean leaving this life I’ve built. This life I’ve worked so hard for.
If he really has found me, I don’t have a choice. I have to go.
“Are you okay?”
I snap back to the present to see Rio peering down at my phone. I quickly hide it and shakily answer, “Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.”
“Spencer, you’re as white as a ghost.”
“I’m okay. Must be low blood sugar or something.” My voice still wobbles.
A gentle hand under my chin softly tilts my head upward. When I allow my eyes to follow, I’m looking directly into Rio’s rich irises. The sincerity and concern shining from them is alarming. I’m not used to that kind of care. Why would he be so nice to me? He barely knows me.
“Who was that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I deflect, breaking eye contact.
“Okay. We’ll play it your way for now, but promise me you’ll tell me about it someday.”
“Sure,” I respond to get him off my back.
“Yes or no, Spencer.” He says each word with such authority. It’s not the type of authority that results in harm if not obeyed, this type of authority I’m unfamiliar with.
“Yes,” I breathe out.
“Good girl. I’m going to go and I’ll be back in on Thursday for my next lesson, okay?”
Fuckitty fuck fuck.Good girl? That should not make my panties wet. I’m completely speechless with a blank stare on my face so all I do is nod.
“I need your words, Mama. Let me hear that beautiful voice tell me yes.”
“Yes,” I whisper.
His thumb trails my lower lip and he releases my chin. I’m suddenly cold at the loss of his touch, but that fire is still burning inside me. He stands and nods then leaves the same way he came.
Taking a breath, I realize he made me forget all about the text. Normally I would need to lock myself in the bathroom or excuse myself to leave so I could break down in private. Without even trying, Rio prevented my panic attack.
Alma, sitting at the wheel a few feet from me, snaps me back to the present when she says, “Oh girl. You’re in trouble with that one.”
As I steady my breathing, all I can think is how absolutely right she is.
I’m in so much trouble.