Page 95 of Fractured Fear
“Why!” I yell.
“They have pictures of us. I swear we didn’t know they were?—”
“I said shut up!”
Rearing my fist back, I nail Troy in the eye. He fucking did this. He didn’t protect my Angel. With those thoughts, I let another fist fly. Then another. And another. Soon Troy’s face is nothing but a swollen melon resting on a set of shoulders.
Turning back to a wide-eyed Dustin I grunt out, “Why?”
“Euphoria. A strip joint up in Yonkers. They employed some minors and got pictures of us with them,” my face turns murderous and Dustin rambles on in defense. “I swear! I didn’t know. I got a little girl of my own. I would never. I’m no pedo.”
“Now tell me where the files really are,” Rio demands as he settles the knife over Dustin’s right pinky finger.
“They’re in our squad car!”
Even though he answered, Rio doesn’t care. He still presses down and severs the finger from Dustin’s hand. Dustin wails, stirring Troy slightly.
“Do you know what we do to men who touch what they shouldn’t?”
“No, man. I swear! I swear! We didn’t know!” Dustin pleads.
“Too late,amigo.” Then Rio takes each and every one of Dustin’s fingers ensuring he can ever again touch what he shouldn’t.
Troy is now fully awake. He can barely open his eyes thanks to me, but the split knuckles I sustained were worth it. Even though I can hardly see his eyes through the already swollen skin, I can still see them darting all over the place, looking for a way out.
I lean down and whisper in his ear, “You’re never leaving this place. Say your peace, motherfucker. Your last words are mine.”
There’s a slight tremor in his hands anticipating what Rio took from Dustin.
“I’m not telling you shit.” He manages to mumble.
“Loyal to the end. How cute. But your loyalty is misplaced. No one can protect you. You’re going to die here trying to honor the men who blackmailed you. I’m going to find those pictures and I’m going to send them to your wife so she knows exactly who you are.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He hardens his voice, but I don’t give it any stock.
“Wouldn’t I? It wasn’t hard to find out everything I needed to know about you. Just a few keystrokes and I had all I needed. Your wife is going to move on and find areal man. Your daughter will call someone elsedad. They will forget all about you. Just like everyone else. It’ll be like you never existed.”
“I knew you were crazy. I told Captain not to let you transfer. You think I don’t know about you? The fucked up detective who won’t even shake someone’s hand?” I don’t flinch at his muffled words.
He’s poking at old wounds that have long since healed. I am who I am. I have no apologies to make.
“Good to know Captain thinks your opinion is shit, seeing how he accepted my transfer and welcomed me with open arms.”
Rio leans over Troy after discarding Dustin’s fingers on the floor and says, “That’s enough out of you, grumpy pants. Your turn. Time for your punishment.”
Troy’s energy renews and he thrashes violently, shaking the chair side to side. I move behind him to stabilize it.
“Stop moving. You’re going to ruin my work,” Rio chastises, but Troy continues to flail about. “Fine! See if I care if your stumpy hands look horrible afterwards!”
“No! No! Nooo!” Troy yells, but Rio isn’t deterred. He slices off each finger slowly, drawing it out to the end.
With both guys passed out, Rio stands and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. “Whew. Hard work,” he looks down and notices a speck of blood. “Aw shit! Spencer really liked this shirt.”
“You’ve never worn that around her.”
“Well it would have been her favorite when I wore it today.”
Tired of his antics and ready to move onto the next step, I stand in front of Troy with my gun raised and say, “Bye bye, motherfucker.”