Page 49 of Risking it All
My breath rushed out of my body as he hit a nerve I didn’t know existed.
“So, what do you say?” Relic asked. “Can we be friends again?”
He looked at me with such hope and adoration and as if I were the only girl who mattered. Butterflies spread their wingsand took flight in my stomach. “We can definitely can be friends again.” And hopefully we could still be friends who kissed.
Chapter twenty-one
Lev’s father looked like a three hundred-pound, once-upon-a-time high school baseball pitcher who probably talked his glory days up like they were his crowning achievement. He wore a backwards baseball cap with his sunglasses on the cap and a fading T-shirt stating, “Fighting Rams Baseball, 2000 State Champs.”
On the evenings when he had to wait on Lev to be done working, he was all shits and giggles while talking to other waiting dads. But when Lev came out, every frown line imaginable creased that man’s face, and he barked at Lev like his son was a hated dog. Made me want to punch the jerk in the face.
Tonight, Lev waited on him. Part of me believed he told the bastard a late pickup time so he could remain free for a few more minutes. Macie had to attend an after-work supervisor staff meeting, so I hung out with Demarius, Lev, and some other people from rides and games. Under the parking lot security lights, music played from Demarius’ sweet Mercedes C class—this year’s model—and Demarius and Lev showed off their moves to the forming crowd of fellow employees clocking off work. The crowd clapped, cheered, and encouraged them to continue. Demarius had some killer skills, but Lev belonged to a whole other level—like he was damned Magic Mike himself.
When Lev walked on his hands, returned to his feet, and then did a back tuck, everyone went nuts, holding each other back and trying to get it all on their phones. Me? I smiled like a proud papa. That would be when Lev’s dad rolled up, yelling at him to, “Stop that nonsense and get in the car!”
Lev had gone from smiles to looking like a kicked puppy. He left, the crowd moved along to their cars in groups of two or three, and Demarius and I leaned against the hood of his car, watching Lev’s dad drive away.
“Think the dad is the reason Lev’s in therapy?” Demarius asked.
“Could be,” I answered. “The guy is definitely an asshole. He treats Lev like trash.”
“Did you see Lev do that flip?” Demarius asked. “Who knew the kid could move?”
I sure didn’t.
“I can give you a ride if you ever need,” Demarius volunteered. “I know Macie can have these meetings after work. If you don’t feel like waiting, I can help.”
Not many people willingly offered me much. Appreciative, I gave him a nod. “Macie and I live close to each other. But I’ll keep it in mind.” Wasn’t my place to tell Demarius I was driving her car because she couldn’t. We all had our secrets to keep.
Macie walked out of the HR office, glanced around the employee lot, and when her eyes met mine, she gave me that smile that lit up the darkness inside me. She and I hadn’t kissed again. Not since our fight. We’d spent time together. A few fast-food dinners after work, but we spent that time talking,laughing. Did I hope we’d kiss again? Fuck yeah, but Macie was well worth any wait.
As she approached, my phone vibrated with a call from Lyra. Anxiety strained my nerves as my sister never called. I immediately answered, “What’s wrong?”
“I forgot about Camilla,” Lyra sounded panicked, as if she were gasping for air.
Fear strangled my vocal cords, yet I pushed out, “Where are you? Where’s Camila?”
“I’m out. With a guy,” Lyra screeched. My frantic gaze caught Macie’s and her smile faded. “I forgot about Camila. She’s at home. Alone.”
“What’s wrong?” Demarius straightened to join me as I began pacing.
“I was focusing on what I was going to wear to work tonight and then my guy called and I was excited, and then he asked me to go to dinner before my shift and Camilla was playing in your room, and I don’t know what I was thinking, but I forgot she was there,” Lyra continued. “I’m sorry, Relic.”
“My little sister’s alone,” I said to Demarius. “I gotta go. Now.” Then to Lyra. “Have you called her?”
“Yes, but she’s not picking up.”
I wavered on my feet. “How long has she been alone?”
“I don’t know. An hour or two?”
Fuck me.
“Macie!” Demarius called. “Relic has to go now! His little sister’s in trouble!”
Macie dug her keys out of her purse and ran toward us.