Page 65 of Risking it All
What was going on with me? I was living my life instead of blindly participating in it. “I’m going to take Relic home, and then when I return, you can yell at me all you want.”
I pushed past him and went out the door.
Chapter twenty-nine
Iwatched in awe as Macie jumped into the driver’s seat of her car then drove us toward the front of her neighborhood. Did she have any idea she was driving without a panic attack? Did she know she’d volunteered to drive? Was she aware how far along she had flown in her journey to be herself again? The answer was obviously no, and I had no idea if pointing it out would set her back, so I remained silent.
She appeared deep in thought as she pulled up to the curb, and also sexy as hell as her hair had this tumbled messiness about it after our night together. “I’m sorry about my brother.”
“Don’t be. He knows who I am and he’s protecting his sister.”
Her lips thinned out. “Seth has no idea who you are.”
“He’s heard enough.”
“Rumors are not you. You are by far one of the best people I know. It’s the world that’s messed up. Not you.”
She had me pegged wrong, but her defense of me made me feel light inside when, typically, I felt like midnight on a stormy night. “Stand outside with me for a moment?”
Understanding it was because I wanted to kiss her goodbye, she flashed me that gorgeous smile and exited the car. Meeting me at the front, I snagged her waist and pulled her tightly to me. She, in turn, wrapped her arms around my neck and I felt so at peace with her, I never wanted to let go.
“You sure you’re going to be okay at home? I’m serious that I don’t want you handling this fallout by yourself. I can stay and take the heat.”
“I’ll be okay.”
She looked so strong, so courageous, I believed her. “Text or call if you need me.”
“I will. Be safe walking home.”
“Always.” I kissed her perfect lips then rested my forehead to hers. I didn’t understand these consuming emotions inside me. This peace that settled into my soul whenever she was near, as if she were the center of the very universe in which we lived. All I knew was that with her, Ifelt. I didn’t mind allowing myself to fall. No, falling wasn’t right. Falling involved hitting the ground and pain. With Macie, I floated.
I searched her face as I longed to express this to her, but I had no understanding of the emotions, so how could I find the right words? Instead, I gave her all I had. “Hundreds of miles, Macie. I’ll drive hundreds of miles for you.”
She gave me a smile I would die a thousand deaths to see again, and then she eased into the driver’s side and drove away.
Chapter thirty
Seth wasn’t waiting for me like I thought he would be when I returned, which left me free to get ready for the day. Eventually, though, he knocked on my open door and cocked a hip on my doorframe as he folded his arms. “Relic Aslanov?”
“Are you going to tell Mom and Dad?” I asked almost accusingly.
“I should.”
“Like you haven’t done a ton of things without their approval and knowledge.”
“That’s different.”
I overly rolled my eyes. “Why? Because I’m a girl?”
“No, because Relic Aslanov is part of a crew.”
I blinked. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Seth ran a hand over his face in frustration. “You are so damn smart, and it baffles me how unobservant you are. There are gang lines in our school.”