Page 96 of Risking it All
Me:That’s stupid.
Ariel:Guys do stupid things. Besides, Relic’s world is different from ours. The rules different.
So Relic kept telling me.
Me:I have to stop him. I’ve reached out to him. I’ve called. He’s not responding. What do I do?
Ariel:Do you have the number for his friend, Marsh? I bet he could stop him.
That was a fantastic idea, but:No, I don’t. But he would stop Relic. They’re like brothers.
Ariel:Call Gianna.
I rolled my eyes.
Me:Gianna won’t have his number.
Ariel:She might not, but Brayden will. They’re friends and they work together.
It felt like the rays of the sun had beamed down onto me through the hurricane. I immediately sent off a text to Gianna:Can you give me Brayden’s number or at least ask him for Marsh’s number. I need to talk to Marsh.
I watched the little bubbles moving on the screen informing me she was reading the message. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, making me feel like I was going to explode. Finally, her text came through:I’ll give you both if you come over.
Was she for real? Biting back a scream, I pushed the button to call her. One ring. Another. Instead of answering, she texted me again.
Gianna:I’m not answering. After what happened, I deserve for you to come over here and see me face to face. You hurt my feelings.
Me:I don’t have time for this. Relic needs help and I need Marsh’s number.
Gianna:Come here and I’ll give it to you. Our friendship should mean more to you than a boy.
Had Gianna lost her ever-loving mind? She was the one who put the boy over me first. I glanced out the window. My car was in the garage, now blocked by the slew of cars thanks to everyone needing to be over involved in my life.
Me to Ariel:Gianna is demanding I go to her house for Marsh’s number. There is no way Mom and Dad are going to let me go. They’re in the kitchen, and my car is in the garage and blocked by everyone else’s cars. It’ll take me too long to walk there.
Ariel:Mom and Dad are at social services with Lev and will probably go straight to your house once the meeting is over. Sneak out, go to my house, grab my keys on the hook and take my car.
Me:I can’t drive a stick.
Ariel:I taught you. You understand the basics enough to make it move. I’ll forgive you if you strip out my transmission.
Me:I haven’t driven a car that far by myself yet.
Ariel:You can do it. Now go.
I stared at my phone, praying Relic would text me back, but he didn’t. Taking a deep breath, I walked out the door to my room. I could do this. I could do this for myself. I could do this for Relic.
Chapter forty-seven
“You need to tell me what’s going on,” Lyra said for possibly the millionth time, but through the entire interrogation, I stayed silent. I was a brewing volcano, and I was doing my damned best to not explode on her. This threatening eruption didn’t belong to her. She sat in the passenger’s seat, as I demanded that I drive so I could do ninety down the road.
“Always a lesson, never a failure,” I spat at her, and her face turned white. “Do you know where he is?”
“What did he do?” Lyra whispered. “I can’t let you near him unless you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Don’t mess with me,” I snapped, and Lyra flinched. I hated that, but I understood. She’d never seen me angry before. My rage had been the quiet kind where I walked it off, but this was a whole new level. I felt too dangerous, the blood in my veins pumping at a temperature of two billion degrees. She had to feelmy fury, had to be worried about what the hell would happen when I exploded.