Page 13 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘As you say, a series of emails, yes.’ The first interviewer looked down at his notes. When he lifted his head his smile was easy yet instinct told her he hid something. ‘And the email address you sent it to? I’m afraid I didn’t have time to make myself a copy of the relevant reports before the meeting.’
Avril frowned, darting a look at Isam, but he was in whispered conversation with the other man. This was beyond odd. Why let his staff question her about her job rather than focusing on the work that badly needed his attention?
She spelled out the email address, watching as it was written down. ‘If there’s anything in particular you need to see, I can show you now.’
She put her laptop on the table and watched three pairs of eyes swivel to look.
‘Your work device?’ asked the thin man with the dour expression. At her nod he continued. ‘Excellent. If you could call up the most recent report that would be useful.’
Avril did as requested, but, instead of asking questions, the thin man walked around the table and with murmured thanks took the laptop back to his seat.
Startled, she looked at Isam for explanation. Didn’t he trust her any more?
He didn’t look quite so detached now. Long fingers massaged his temple, making her wonder if he had a headache, and as their eyes met she saw something that might be regret.
As if! She was the one who’d learnt about regret. And that her instincts were severely flawed around this man.
The first interviewer interrupted her thoughts. ‘Now, Ms Rodgers, perhaps you’d like to tell me about your work history, your skills?’
‘I’m interested in why you applied for the position and what you brought to it.’
Indignation rose as a premonition rippled down her spine. They were going to sack her?
Avril didn’t mind that. She no longer wanted to work for Isam ibn Rafat. She should have resigned long ago instead of holding out that secret hope that he’d finally contact her and they’d talk. But she’d not allow them to imply it was because of the standard of her work.
She turned to the man she’d once esteemed. More than esteemed. ‘Isam.’ Protocol be damned. ‘Do you want to tell me what this is about?’
In her peripheral vision she saw his minders stare at her use of his personal name. It was probably an offence back in Zahdar. The dour man’s jaw actually dropped and the other one darted a wide-eyed look at his sheikh.
Her boss, her one-time lover, took his time responding and every second felt like a new betrayal.
‘I know this seems unnecessary, given that you’ve worked for me for some time. But we’re bringing my UK interests in line with my other investments. That means a detailed review of current arrangements.’
It was the first time Avril had heard his voice in over a year and she was shocked by how it affected her. Deep and smooth, with just a hint of huskiness, it trawled through her, snagging on sensitive spots, drawing a flurry of excited response.
Her hands tightened around the chair’s armrests and her thighs clamped together in instinctive rejection of that lush softening at the entrance to her body.
How could her body betray her after the way he’d treated her? He’d used then ignored her as if she were nothing.
‘Rashid here—’ he nodded to the man with glasses ‘—oversees all palace staff. Before I became Sheikh I preferred to manage my British investments personally rather than through Zahdar’s public service. But now, as Sheikh, it makes sense to draw it all together under one umbrella.’
He lifted those broad shoulders in a shrug that should have made his statement reassuring, as if the review were a trifle, but the movement was stiff. Did he still carry injuries from the crash?
Avril jerked her thoughts back. Isam would have the world’s best specialists attending him. She needed to concentrate on what this meant for her position.
Avril had told herself that cutting ties with Isam was the only way forward, though it meant finding a new position when she least felt up to it. But to be chucked out on the pretence of not doing her job, just because he was embarrassed by her presence, was beyond the pale.
‘So you’re rationalising and looking to sack me?’
That, at last, drew a reaction from Isam. He leaned towards her, horizontal lines grooving his forehead. ‘I didn’t come with any such intention. This is an information-gathering session only.’
He seemed so earnest, so persuasive, she was tempted to believe him.
Until she remembered the man who’d left her over a year ago with a promise to return in two weeks. She’d understood when he didn’t. The crash that injured him and killed his father had made international headlines. So she’d waited, hoping, fearing and praying for his recovery.
And then...nothing. Not a call, not an email, not a response to any of her messages. His phone was unanswered and palace staff had been polite yet dismissive when she’d called the switchboard.