Page 20 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘It doesn’t matter what I think, Avril. I’m a king. Others will need to be convinced. This needs irrefutable proof.’
This.As if her beloved daughter were athingnot a person.
She unwound her arms from around her middle. Barely she resisted the urge to walk across and slap him for his unfeeling arrogance. Instead she planted her palms on her hips, feeling the strength of righteous indignation and a rush of adrenaline flow in her bloodstream.
‘I don’t care that you’re a king. I don’t want anything from you. Ever.’ She moved close enough to make sure he read the fury in her eyes. ‘Now get out of my house. I never want to see you again.’
INTHEENDit was easier the next day to agree to the paternity test than fight it.
Because despite her anger and her hurt that Isam refused to believe her, Avril knew Maryam deserved to have proof of her paternity. Especially since he seemed determined to deny it. Plus it required only a simple cheek swab, no needles.
But what really convinced Avril was the visitor who arrived that morning. A grey-haired woman with one of the kindest smiles she’d ever seen. She said she’d been hired through an agency to provide any assistance Avril required, cooking, cleaning, shopping or helping with the baby.
Avril was in the process of sending her away, hating Isam’s presumption that she couldn’t manage, when her visitor’s wide smile dimmed. She confessed she was finding her recent retirement boring and had leapt at the chance to put her skills to use. She missed being around people, especially babies.
Somehow Avril ended up with a sheaf of recommendations in her hand and a résumé that indicated Bethany had been an early childhood educator before retiring.
A couple of phone calls later, Avril had reassured herself the woman was genuine. By which time Bethany had brought her a mug of tea and a slice of the home-made fruitcake she’d brought. The rich flavour was so like that of Cilla’s home baking, it had Avril blinking back tears.
By the end of the day, which included a nap from which Avril woke feeling more refreshed than she had in ages, Avril and Bethany had bonded. The older woman wasn’t bossy or judgemental. She had an easy confidence around Maryam and a caring nature. Her reassurance that Avril was doing well, adapting to a new baby, even eased some of her niggling anxiety.
Isam might not want to take an active role in his daughter’s life, but something good had come out of his guilt. Avril would accept Bethany’s assistance while she could.
She suspected she and Maryam would thrive with the older woman’s assistance, which was important. Especially as Avril needed to start looking for a new job. She had money to tide her over for a while after she left her current position, but the sooner she started looking, the better.
She had so much on her mind she could almost have ignored the fact that Isam didn’t contact her that day.
When she’d told him to leave the night before he’d surveyed her for what seemed an age, then turned and walked out into the night, leaving her stricken and trembling with an excess of emotion.
Avril hadn’t believed he’d go so easily. But he’d probably been desperate to escape the complications she and Maryam represented. She had no idea how children born outside marriage were treated in his country, but suspected a monarch fathering a child by a foreigner wouldn’t be generally approved. Royals were cautious about bloodlines and as a new king he’d be particularly eager to avoid scandal.
Maybe he was planning a dynastic marriage. Probably she and her daughter were an inconvenient embarrassment.
She got through the rest of the day trying and failing not to think about the man with the piercing eyes and tight, angular features that made her wonder how much he’d suffered after that crash.
But the night after Bethany arrived, Avril slept long and deep, and for once Maryam wasn’t as restless as usual.
Yet when Avril woke, it was to realise she’d dreamt of Isam. Not the rigid man who’d retreated from his child, then left without a backward glance. But the man she’d fallen more than a little in love with last year. The man who embodied an irresistible combination of tenderness and masculine power. Her skin was damp and there was a twisting ache deep in her pelvis as she shoved the bedclothes back and got up.
Later that day Avril was updating her résumé while Bethany looked after Maryam upstairs, when the doorbell rang.
Isam stood tall and imposing but she noticed the dark shadows in his eyes and tension—or was it pain?—grooved around his mouth.
Avril refused to worry about him. He had a kingdom full of people to do that. Instead she folded her arms and stood her ground. ‘What brings you back? We’ve nothing more to say.’
Someone would send the results of the test, and Avril had decided to accept his guilt gift of temporary mother’s help.
His jaw clenched but his tone was disarmingly gentle as he said, ‘I’m sorry you feel that way, but we have to talk. For Maryam’s sake as much as anything else.’
For a minute longer Avril stood unmoving before reluctantly stepping aside. He was right. For Maryam’s sake they had to set some parameters for the future.
She led the way into the front room, feeling the atmosphere change from slightly cluttered comfort to sparking awareness as he followed her in. Once again they sat opposite each other.
‘The test result is in.’
‘So quickly?’ She shook her head. ‘Of course, being royal you could pull strings. And so? If you’re going to tell me it proved you’re Maryam’s father, don’t bother. I already know. I was a virgin before we got together.’