Page 33 of Unknown Royal Baby
Notwhat she wanted.
He looked at his watch then rose. ‘I’ll expect your answer by the end of the week.’
SHEWASDUEto give Isam an answer on the biggest decision of her life.
Was it any wonder Avril couldn’t settle?
She’d slept a lot and swum in the clear waters of the courtyard’s private pool. She’d begun to feel refreshed in a way she hadn’t for ages. Yet she was on edge, and of course Maryam picked up on her agitation, growing more fidgety.
Bethany had practically pushed Avril out the door today, suggesting she go outside while she settled the baby. Avril had thought about exploring the city but decided against it. What she needed was to stretch her legs in solitude, not listening to the patter of a guide.
So she left their secluded part of the palace for the grand gardens within the palace compound. She wanted space. Walking always helped her sort out her thoughts.
A staff member ushered her through magnificent doors onto a broad, marble-lined portico. Avril’s breath caught at the beauty of the gardens before her, sloping down past a channel of water and fountains, into rambling parkland.
Someone had spent a lot of time and effort ensuring there was plentiful water for this beautiful green space.
Movement further along the pillared terrace drew her attention. She turned to see a group of people gathered there in the shade, heads turning her way. Hurriedly she plonked on her wide-brimmed hat and strode away.
She didn’t want to draw attention to herself. She didn’t know what the press was like in Zahdar, but at home the unmarried mother of a king’s child would be fodder for screaming headlines and gossip.
Would it be any different if you married him? There’d still be gossip and headlines because you’re so unsuited to be Queen. The whole idea is preposterous.
But if they didn’t marry, what was the alternative? Sharing Maryam, six months here and six in London? What was to stop the paparazzi making their lives hell in the UK?
Isam would give Maryam the stability and care Avril craved for her. And there’d be no tug-of-love separations as their daughter passed between London and Zahdar.
But it would mean putting yourself in the power of a man you barely know.
Except, she decided as she strode beyond the fountains and into the shrubbery, she felt shedidknow Isam. A man of his word. Strong, yes, but caring.
Even since coming to his palace Avril had seen enough to know he loved Maryam. There was a tenderness, an excitement and pride when he was with their baby, that made Avril’s heart squeeze and her insides turn to mush. And not merely because there was something intrinsically attractive about a big, powerful man gently cradling a tiny bub.
She walked for an hour, weighing her options. Yet still she wasn’t ready to make a decision. But it was getting hot and Maryam would be awake.
Avril followed the long mirror pools up the rise towards the palace. She’d almost reached it when voices caught her attention. She saw that group again, still clustered in the now scant shade.
She noticed a walking frame and a wheelchair and heads of grey and white hair.
Avril frowned. She’d grown up surrounded by Cilla’s elderly friends. She respected and liked them. She also understood the frailties of age. Surely these old ladies shouldn’t be out here as the heat intensified?
Caution warred with concern for about a second before she headed towards them.
They were dressed beautifully, as if for a special occasion. Many fanned themselves and several drooped. She couldn’t see so much as a cup or glass between them.
She paused, searching her scant knowledge of Arabic. ‘Hello. Are you thirsty? Would you like a drink?’
A chorus of greetings came her way, along with smiles and curious looks. One, tall and upright, nodded and spoke at some length.
‘I’m sorry. I only know a few words. Do you speak English?’
Murmurs greeted that, but the woman nodded. ‘I do. Thank you for your offer. Drinks would be very welcome.’ She tilted her head enquiringly. ‘Your Arabic may be limited but it’s very good. Do you work in the palace?’
The palace employees were perfectly groomed and attired, whereas Avril suspected her cotton dress was crumpled and less than pristine after unsuccessfully trying to settle Maryam. ‘No, I’m a visitor.’
Curiosity was bright in the other woman’s eyes. ‘We’re visitors too. We had an appointment to see His Majesty. But there’s been some delay.’