Page 38 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘About that,’ he said. ‘I’m here for your answer. It’s the end of the week and I’d like to announce our engagement sooner rather than later. If you agree.’ He paused, watching her tense. Many women would leap at the chance to be his queen, but not Avril. ‘After today rumours will be flying about my uncommon guest.’
‘It’s one thing to make a baby. It’s quite another to become a royal—’
‘I know it’s daunting, but you can do it. Most of being royal is about working hard and putting the needs of other people first. You demonstrated that today and you did it without fuss or panic. You were a natural.’
Yet she looked unconvinced. ‘I’m used to being the gofer, the assistant, not the one in charge.’
Isam’s laughter escaped. ‘Oh, I think you’ll do very well. You had no hesitation ordering one of the most senior men in the kingdom to do your bidding.’
Her eyes rounded. ‘Sorry? You mean the man who organised the food?’
Isam’s smile widened. ‘I do. He’s head of one of the foremost families in the country and a senior government minister.’
For the first time Avril seemed lost for words.
‘He was most impressed with your take-charge attitude in a crisis. In fact he asked if you might be interested in joining our diplomatic team.’
To his delight, she chuckled, reminding him of times he’d now recalled when they’d shared a joke while working together. ‘I’m glad he didn’t take offence. After that other man turned away when I called him for help, I wasn’t sure if he’d listen.’
‘Other man? What did he look like?’
‘About my height, slim, with a beard. He was hanging around near the doors when I went outside and when I came back. I was sure he’d heard me call but he hurried away.’
Isam filed the information away for later. For now he had a more important issue to deal with.
‘You’ll make an excellent queen. And I’ll be there at your side.’
Her gaze caught his and a frisson of heat rippled through him. ‘But I don’t know the country or customs—’
‘Nor did my grandmother when she came from England. But she was happy here and much loved by the nation as well as the family.’ He paused, considering what arguments might sway Avril. ‘Here you’ll have purpose and a rewarding life, quite apart from the wealth I can offer. We can build a family, a secure world for our little girl. A place where she and you belong. A loving home. Isn’t that what you want for her?’
She licked her lips but didn’t answer and Isam, an expert at commercial and diplomatic negotiations, felt his stomach churn with nerves.
‘What do you say, Avril?’
His heart hammered as she took her time responding. Tension drew his skin tight. She couldn’t refuse him!
Finally, she nodded but she didn’t smile. ‘Very well. I’ll marry you, Isam.’
RELIEFCOURSEDTHROUGHIsam’s veins, making him light-headed for a second.
Her agreement secured Maryam’s future.
But this wasn’t just about his daughter. He wanted Avril with a visceral need he couldn’t explain. Not just as the mother of his child. But not just as a sexual partner either, despite the throb low in his body.
What then? This wasn’t a romance.
He shied from the thought. He had no time for sentiment, he had a nation to secure. Besides, all the people he’d ever loved had been taken from him. He wasn’t interested in opening his heart up to anyone and risking more grief.
Except for Maryam. How could he not love the tiny mite who was his own flesh and blood?
‘Excellent.’ He kept his tone measured, disguising a disturbing jostle of emotions. ‘Together we can build a solid marriage and a wonderful future for our daughter.’
‘I...hope so.’
Hardly an effusive agreement. Isam battled annoyance at her lack of excitement.