Page 51 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘Don’t apologise. Are you okay?’
He rubbed his temple, frowning. ‘I’m fine, nothing to worry about.’
But Avril did worry. Because despite all the warnings she’d given herself, Isam mattered to her.
Not because of Maryam or public expectations that they marry. But because she cared.
Even when they were boss and PA, when he should have been off-limits, she’d felt so much for him. It should be impossible, given how little time they’d spent together, but something about this man called to her. Made her yearn. Made her feel...
‘Shall I call for a doctor?’
‘No doctor!’ He drew a deep breath. ‘Thanks, but it’s all good.’ His mouth hooked up in a crooked smile that tugged at her heart. ‘It may not look it but it’s true. Sometimes memories come back easily and other times...’ He rubbed his temple then reached for his coffee.
‘It will be cold now.’ She rose to her feet. ‘I’ll get a new pot.’
‘No.’ Long fingers shackled her wrist, warm and strong. ‘Water’s fine. Please, sit down. I don’t need caffeine. I’ve already had enough stimulation.’
His mouth twisted wryly yet Avril saw the sheen of moisture brightening his eyes and knew he was more affected than he pretended. She covered his encompassing hand with hers.
She wanted to quiz him but he was entitled to privacy. They’d been physically intimate but not emotionally. It wasn’t as if they...
‘I’m sorry I worried you.’ He took another long draught of water, his gaze fixed in the distance. ‘I’ve been remembering more and more lately, but mainly less significant things. Now, out of the blue, I remember talking with my father on the day he died.’
Isam turned and fixed her with that turbulent grey gaze, heavy with emotion.
Her chest squeezed. Was he remembering the accident? ‘Oh, Isam.’
‘It’s okay.’ He moved his hand, threading his fingers through hers. ‘It’s agoodmemory, from before the crash.’
Yet her heart went out to him. Though she’d been prepared for it, Cilla’s death had left her distraught. How much harder to lose a loved parent suddenly?
‘I’m glad. Good memories are to be treasured.’
‘He was particularly happy that day. I’d agreed to stand in for him so he could have a week off. He’d planned a couple of nights in the desert with a few old friends. I ribbed him about getting too old for camping and he said that a little adventure now and then was good for the soul. That it was important to take a break occasionally from the stress of governing.’
‘He sounds like a wise man.’
Isam’s eyes met hers. ‘He was. The best man I knew.’ He paused and she wondered if he was reliving that precious memory. ‘He was pleased for another reason too, something else I’ve just remembered. I’m glad I could tell him that day.’ Isam’s voice roughened. ‘That he knew before he died.’
Avril heard his raw emotion. ‘You don’t have to tell—’
‘I want to.’ Eyes that before had been pewter-dark now shone silver. ‘Besides, it’s related to your old job, my investments in Europe. Given everything else, I haven’t had time to go through all the reports in detail.’
Her curiosity rose. ‘Your business is doing very well.’
‘Yes. So well that I told my father that day that I was in a position to invest some of the profits. There was an initiative I wanted to start in Zahdar. When I’d initially raised it my father liked the idea but said other matters took priority, like funding medical facilities, infrastructure and schools. He wouldn’t divert public money into it when there were too many other areas of need.’
Understanding dawned. ‘So you decided to invest your private funds to raise money for it?’
He inclined his head. ‘It will be a long-term project but it’s important to me. I’d floated the idea with members of the Royal Council. Most liked it but Hafiz was against it, said it showed my priorities were wrong.’ He frowned.
Avril broke the growing silence. ‘I’d back your priorities over his any day.’
A smile tugged at the corners of Isam’s mouth and the look he gave her made something inside sing.
‘Thank you, Avril. When I was recuperating he’d mention things I’d apparently said or done that seemed to make no sense. For a while I wondered if my facultieshadbeen affected by the accident. Before I realised he was trying to gaslight me.’
‘He sounds like a poisonous man. I wouldn’t trust him.’