Page 54 of Unknown Royal Baby
He wanted her with a blood-deep hunger that defied all past experience. Wanted her body and her rare smiles. Wanted the excitement that had shone in her eyes when she spoke of having adventures. Adventures that he, with his privilege, took for granted.
And he wanted her tenderness. He saw the way she looked at their baby and felt almost jealous.
The few times they’d been intimate were emblazoned on his brain and his body, leaving him needy.
With Avril everything seemed magnified. Every sensation, every feeling.
Was it because, since the crash, he was starting out afresh? That previous relationships seemed faded and insignificant? Or was it, as he suspected, more to do with Avril herself? Something about the intense spark between them? A spark he had no name for.
Then there was the fact she was the mother of his child. Emotion blindsided him whenever he dwelt on the miracle of Maryam’s birth and the debt he owed her mother.
He’d changed Avril’s life and was asking her to take on even more. He knew she was up to the challenge. It wouldn’t always be easy, especially in the beginning. She’d have to face down the doubters.
Isam resolved to do everything he could to ease her way, to influence those who could make her life easy or difficult. He’d strive to arm her with the skills and knowledge she needed. That had to be his priority.
He glanced at the computer and the stack of paperwork on his desk, awaiting his attention.
Never had he ended the day without completing his work. Yet he shut down the computer.
He needed to be with Avril. His surge of memory this morning had interrupted their time together so they hadn’t finished their discussion before his secretary came to chivvy him to his first meeting.
His blood coursed heavily in his arteries.
Are you sure it’s a discussion you want?
Avril put down the book on Zahdari customs and culture, staring at the tall figure who’d let himself into the sitting room.
Her heart stuttered then accelerated so fast she felt light-headed as she rose from the sofa.
His jaw was shadowed and his thick hair slightly rumpled as if he’d run his hands through it. Even his scars looked rakish, accentuating rather than detracting from his charisma. His dark suit emphasised his straight shoulders and long legs. His tie had disappeared and his white shirt was open at the throat.
An invitation to touch,whispered a subversive voice.
‘Who did you expect when you invited me in?’
‘I thought you were a maid. From what your secretary said, I assumed you’d be working well into the evening.’
Avril watched him flex his fingers as if trying to ease tension.
Could it be the same tension she felt? It had drawn her to her feet, heart hammering as adrenaline pumped in her blood and heat pooled low.
Don’t be stupid. He’s here to discuss something pragmatic.
Maybe the full schedule of appointments she’d acquired today to meet dressmakers and various experts who would supposedly turn her into someone fit to be royal.
‘I should be working.’ His voice sounded strained. ‘But I needed to see you.’
‘Is something wrong?’ When he shook his head she continued. ‘You wanted to talk about another public appearance?’
‘No. We do need to talk.’ His voice was harsh and she watched him swallow, tracking the jerky movement of his throat and feeling something like triumph. ‘But later.’
Avril waited but he seemed in no hurry to explain, merely stood there, watching her.
Isam moved from the door and the gleam in his deep-set eyes made her nape prickle.
Another step and another, slow, almost languid, yet there was a decisiveness in the set of his jaw and something in the flare of his nostrils that rooted her to the spot, excitement igniting. Her breathing shallowed and she felt the laboured lift of each quick breath as he closed the space between them.